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Nevar Kaldrune, The Unhallowed Lord of Visschroyle

Roleplay: "Shadows of the Old World: Gehenna's Survivors"

Player: shade_of_retribution

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The Unhallowed Lord of Visschroyle, Death Knight, servant of the Blood Queen


An undead mockery of his former life as the half breed child of a human and gold dragon --though tailless, when unmasked, his scaled skin is pale, a hue between gold and silver but dull and subdued instead of bright and vibrant, with several horns protruding backwards from different places on his skull.  Stands in excess of 6'0", a large and rather imposing figure.

A lawful evil entity well versed in the ideas of honor, justice and nobility, though his sense of those things are now warped in undeath.  His existance is devoted entirely to the will of his dark goddess and combating the chaos he nearly fell to that caused his cursed existance as a death knight.

Equipment / Abilities

full plate armor of darkest night.

unholy, vampiric greatsword

strange, arcane mask

great, compound bow enchanted with ice magics rarely used


abilities: warrior/wizard, death knight powers, undead lord powers gifted by his dark goddess.

A half breed child born from the union of a gold dragon and a human woman, he was a paragon of goodness and justice despite the hard life of scorn and ostracizing faced by all half breed beings, and like many paragons of righteousness, he had a long way to fall... and fall he did.  For two years after his thirtieth year he devoted his energy and life to the happiness of a woman he believed loved and accepted him despite his half breed nature, but in the end she was no different than anyone else he'd ever come across.  The life he led, the path of honor and righteousness he walked, meant nothing, only the fact of his birth.  She spurned him, turning to the arms of another man --a human man, and unable to supress the strong emotions of his human heritage, he called down fire and brimstone from the heavens, killing her and destroying the city they had called home and all its inhabitants, innocent in regards to his pain.  This act brought judgement from Zantrall, The Great Judge, and head of the deities watching over their world.  The Great Judge cursed him to an existance of living death as a Death Knight to serve out his penance in service to Allaina, the Blood Queen, until Zantrall felt his debt paid in full.  For a century and a quarter he has remained in Visschrolye, City of Sorrow, the name now given to the city he destroyed so many years before, as its unhallowed lord, serving the Blood Queen in undeath and waiting for that debt to finally be paid in full and his existance ended.
