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Roleplay: "School of Survival"

Player: Aquaticus

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A mid-chaos mage of the eighth order in training. Yeah. Uh oh.


Crazy, but if you manage to become important to him you'll probably live for a hundred years. Now, if you're still sane by the end of that time, you deserve a reward! Young Zorvan is moody, manic, and bipolar in the weirdest ways at the weirdest times.

Equipment / Abilities
Chaos magic, the chaos sword, and all further abilities described below. I roll the dice myself. Don't worry, I'm honest about it!

Chaosblast actually affects the mind, but due to the chaotic way it works, and the fact that it looks like a blast of dark purple fire, it's called Chaosblast.

1 Dipsomania

2 Schizoid

3 Pathological Liar

4 Obsessed compulsive

5 Split personality

6 Melancholia

7 Megalomania

8 Lunacy

9 Paranoia

10 Manic-depressive

11 Kleptomania

12 Hallucinatory insanity

13 Sado-masochism

14 Homicidal mania

15 Hebephrenia

16 Suicidal mania

17 Violent tendencies towards fish

18 Phobia of nearest large object, excluding terrain

19 Effect of my choosing

20 Catatonic

Fortunatly, although it acts as magic missle and ALWAYS works, it's effects only last for 24 hours and three seconds. Zorvan can cancel it, but it creates a random effect from the Chaos chart. Yes, multiple blasts can stack, getting the same thing twice adds to the length of the effect.

Zorvan does indeed have a weather spell, but it tends to focus towards the more chaotic side of the scale. Start with whatever weather is currently happening.:


Partly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Freezing Rain
Ice storm
Blizzard with Icicles forming out of nowhere.
Back 2 from starting point.
Back 4 from starting point.
Back 6 from here.
Back 8 from here.
Megastorm: Combine a super thunderstorm, a hailstorm, a super blizzard, a category five hurricane, toss in a few elemental tornadoes, stir a bit of cosmic madness, fill it full of broken bits of reality, courtesy of chaos, and you'll approach the scale of Zorvan's most powerful, and hard to get, ability. This ability automatically casts a Chaossheild on all friendly targets near Zorvan, and then lets the Megastorm loose. This can only be reached if he has his Chaosarm out, otherwise go back ten from here.


Light Wind
Heavy Wind
Tornado that flings fireballs.
Triple Tornado
Roll again, if it says anything down, Three twisters, each throwing a different element: Lighting, Fire, and Ice.


01-2 5 steps up
03-6 4 steps up
06-12 3 steps up
13-20 2 steps up
21-35 1 step up
36-47 1 step down
48-67 2 steps down
68-73 3 steps down
74-80 4 steps down
81-100 5 steps down

If a change would place a condition off the wind scale then reverse the number, so minus five to triple tornado becomes plus three, to tornado. This does not affect weather, only wind. If he has his Chaosarm in effect, then add 15 to the roll.

Chaoshield protects against all damage, but also casts a random elemental spell at the attacker and the caster, though the effect to the caster is less.

1-10 {xyz}ball
11-20 {xyz}spear
21-30 {xyz}whip
31-40 {xyz}blast
41-50 {xyz}sword
51-60 {xyz}stronger blast
61-70 {xyz}spray
71-80 {xyz}cone
81-90 {xyz}fury
91-100 My choice.

1 Fire
2 Water
3 Electricity
4 Air
5 Earth
6 Nature
7 Mind
8 Energy
9 Ice
10 Light
11 Dark
12 Death, Life, or my choice.

If it has been stated that Zorvan has cast Chaosshield, then roll a hundred sider and twelve sider to whatever else you roll in a post attacking him.
Chaosshield does not damage the caster if caused by Megastorm, that would be stupid.

Chaosarm: Chaosarm is the true purpose of Zorvan's cloak, a spell unique to him. It turns his cloak to pure chaos energy, wraps it around his right arm, changing the arm as well. Basically, it replaces his casting arm with pure chaos power. This has absolutely NO drawbacks, the energy can manipulate and fine tune to the tiniest particle of an atom, or it can be used as a true weapon, for melting, and ripping off faces. To use the ability? His cloak has two pins, one on each side. All he does is take the pin of the left shoulder. That's all. The cloak does the rest. It actually has a minor drawback: It could, in theory, somehow, destroy itself and the universe around it, but that hasn't happened!

Argent is a spell that either makes everyone around the caster, excluding the caster, a total idiot, too unintelligent to think more than: ehehhee uhhhhh..... ; or has the opposite effect, making them superultrasmart.

61+ is intelligence, 60- is stupidity.

There is also a list of random chaos effects based on caster height, but that's too long and will be placed in other.

Cloak of Many Things, Many things: Contains almost anything imaginable... If you can find it, that is. The cloak is also semi sentient.
Sword of Chaos: This sword is made of pure chaos magic, and cannot be lost. It can be broken, but as a chaos mage Zorvan has no trouble fixing it. It is only as powerful as the chaotic power of its wielder. Zorvan's a chaos mage. A crazy chaos mage.

Zorvan doesn't have much history to speak of, he was dropped at the school in a blue mist and told to practice.

http://api.ning.com/files/p7zH618zq8orjWbwLCkJQzPzKlm4e1s2e3XD*avI7-VyVuVO*hu0*ZFe76Z8a*1j1Zbk3OKJ2NaGgxijzALm1*vRsnaxyVIE/AnimeVampire.jpg An image of Zorvan

NOTE! : This is CERTAINLY just a guideline, and DEFINITELY not the rules! Well what did you expect with a CHAOS Mage? XD

01-02 The nearest friendly being develops a rash that lasts 1d4 weeks. Spell recovery time is doubled due to lack of sleep.

03-05 The caster suffers from an excessive emission of flatulence for 1d4 hours.

06-08 The eyes of the caster begin to glow like flashlight beams. The light illuminates up to a range of 15', but is visible from a much greater distance. The duration of the light is one day.

09-10 Wisps of warm steam emerge from the bodily orifices of everyone nearby. This eruption lasts for one full turn.

11-13 The hands of the spell caster begin to glow a warm orange color. Everything the caster touches is left with glowing finger prints. The glow fades after 1d12 turns.

14-15 The caster believes that a huge blue hamster has materialized, dressed in formal wear and speaking common. The hamster follows the caster for one hour.

16-18 Dark green leaves erupt from pores all over the bodies of everyone nearby. The noisy leaves turn brown and fall off after a day.

19-20 The caster is overcome by a sudden wave of intense heat which lasts for 1d4 rounds. He strips off all clothing and drinks any available beverages (including not more than one potion), unless they are known to be poison.

21-22 The caster feels an overwhelming urge to sing. His life story becomes a one hour ballad. Reactions will depend on the singing ability of the caster.

23-24 A stream of 5000 moths spew forth from the spell casters mouth and flutter around for 1d4 rounds. Vision is limited to 1' within a 20' radius sphere centered on the caster.

25-27 Any buttons, clasps, buckles, latches, padlocks, pins, laces, bars, knots, or other locking devices within 10' of the caster are unlocked. All creatures within the area of effect are allowed to roll to prevent their items from being affected, 1d20 against 17.

28-30 The hair and fingernails of a random target within 20' of the caster begin to grow at a prodigious rate. Hair grows down over the eyes. Long finger nails make delicate finger work impossible. Growth stops after a round.

31-32 Each round, for a number of rounds equal to the height of the caster in feet, a randomly selected creature within 50' must roll 1d20 against 10 or be teleported to the location of the caster. Simultaneously, the spell caster is teleported to the former location of the selected creature. No teleportation occurs in a round in which a saving throw is made.

33-34 If the caster fails a 1d20 against 15, his head is polymorphed to that of an animal randomly selected by the next person to post, excluding caster. Otherwise, the caster grows powerful claws.

35-37 Everyone within 15' of the spell caster must make a roll against 16, or suffer from a loud ringing sound in their ears. The ringing is actually a physiological effect, and not an actual sound. Characters must shout to be heard. The ringing lasts for 1d6 turns.

38-39 A tiny portal, no bigger than a pin prick, appears about a yard above the caster and everyone nearby. This portal is linked to the elemental plane of water, and a steady drip of water falls on the casters head. The portal is magically linked to the caster and follows him around. Attempts to plug the gate will always fail when the caster moves. The constant drip of water makes deep sleep nearly impossible. Double the normal spell recovery times. The portal remains for 2d10 days.

40-41 The air within 60' of the spell caster takes on a glass-like appearance, which distorts normal and infra-vision. Judging range within the area of effect is difficult, effectively doubling all spell and missile travel distances for purposes of range modifiers. There is no effect on movement or melee within the distorted air. The radius shrinks 10' per turn until it finally vanishes.

42-44 The spell summons a small local animal. The creatures arrives in 1d4 hours, and becomes extremely attached to the spell caster. It will climb all over the character,. The animal has 1d4 hit points, plus one per caster height. If the animal is damaged, the caster suffers damage equal to double the animal's damage. Once a week, the caster can attempt a 1d20 against 15 in order to release the animal from the spell effects.

45-46 For 1d4 hours, plus one per caster height, the voice of the spell caster will start with a loud rumble of thunder each time he or she begins to speak. This will increase the odds of being attacked.

47-48 The casters voice emanates from another party member, and sounds like that individual. The source changes once per round, lasting one round per caster height.

49-51 The spell caster becomes insatiably hungry each time food is mentioned. This effect lasts for one day per caster height of the spell. The caster will demand and consume triple the normal quantity of rations. Each ration below the required quantity will harm the caster.

52-53 For 2d8 rounds, the spell caster finds himself on display inside a glass container. Huge beings with distorted features examine you from the outside, turning the container around and over. The caster feels insecure for days afterward.

54-56 All clothing and other items around the caster completely disappear, save for any items carried in hands. The possessions reappear in a pile at the casters feet after one round per caster height.

57-59 The legs of a random target within 15' of the spell caster contract to 1/3 their normal length. All leg coverings and foot wear shrink by a like amount. Movement is reduced by 2/3rds. After 1d6 rounds, the legs and garb return to normal.

60-61 A random target within 30' of the direction the caster is facing is infested with thousands of small insect pests. There are indeed stinging and biting ones.

62-64 The legs of a random target within 25' are paralyzed for 1 round for every two caster height. Movement is halved for animals and monsters. Humanoids can crawl at 1/3 the normal movement rate.

65-67 The nearest person to the caster is summoned to clean up a mess for a local power. He or she disappears for 2d8 rounds, gains 1d6 wounds plus one per caster height, and has a 50% chance to cast a random spell. Wounds will not cause death.

68-69 2d6 bolts of energy fly from the casters hands and strike random targets within 40'. Each does 1 wound per caster height.

70-72 The caster falls into a magical sleep for 1d4 rounds plus one per caster height. Unless disturbed, the caster will remain in a deep and restful sleep. While left asleep, magic regen and healing rate is doubled.

73-75 Lumps of slimy pink lard splatter to the ground in the area of effect. If there is no area of effect, the lard falls in a 5' radius around the target. Movement through the lard must be 1/3 normal, or a 1d20 against 16 is required to remain standing. The lard remains in place for one turn, then explodes.

76-78 The nearest hostile being becomes a garbage magnet for all sorts of debris. Any loose paper, leaves, plaster, small stones, feathers, dirt and other small objects within 20' fly up and stick to the unfortunate victim. This continues for 1 turn per caster height. It requires 1d4 segments to remove any new debris from the face and hands.

79-80 The malodorous caster emits a pungent scent of onions within a 10' radius. Anyone smelling the onions must make a saving throw versus poison, or begin to suffer from blinking and watering eyes. The resulting blurred vision halves the normal range of sight. The odor lasts for one hour, or until the caster bathes in water.

81-83 Multiple hand-like chunks of rock rise from the ground, despite what substance the ground happens to be made of. The number of hands is equal to the number of beings in the area. They start slapping everyone, including the caster. This lasts until they are all destroyed, or this effect is rolled again. If a target of a hand is destroyed, they move on the next being they find.

84-86 A swarm of adorable kittens with wings appears in the air and they attack all hostiles in the area.

87-89 All beings near the caster grow large, demonic, and very, very, VERY, absolutely and unarguably, PINK.

90-99 Roll twice.

100-100 Absolutely NOTHING. Nothing at all. Everything stops. Beings can only breath and talk for three hours. This has twice the normal range a normal in the area effect has. Zorvan and gods cannot break the three hour peace spell. The good news is all wounds will heal over these three hours, as well.

This is for any proper combat spells, attacks and such. Chaosblast is immune to this chart. I will roll two dice instead of one for all attack spells. Second roll, if it is 60 or higher, causes one of these effects, decided by another roll.

Chaos also causes one of the effects at random.