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Justyce Kayzer March

Roleplay: "School of Survival"

Player: ~The-Oracle~

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A sickly, Blood Cleric. He doesn't feel that he makes a good healer but he's still one of the best.


Justyce has short hair that's just long enough to hide his eyes from view. The reason behind such a hairstyle is so that he can hide his tired eyes. Bags have formed beneath his emerald gaze because he has a hard time getting to sleep due to his chronic illness and weak immune system. He wears elegant clothes that are usually some shade of red, solely because he likes the color red. Around his neck is a small, blue gem in the shape of a tear drop. He claims that he collects the souls of the long dead and uses those souls to revive the recent dead.

Justyce is a rather depressing, though quite person. He rarely has any positive thoughts and will usually think of the worst possible outcome of a situation first. This Cleric doesn't like to feel like he's rushed, or trapped, in any way. It makes him uneasy and uncomfortable. In such a state he usually does horrible work and has even mended bones wrongly because of the feeling of being rushed. So, such situations could prove hazardous to his patients more than anyone else.

Equipment / Abilities

