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Roleplay: "S7Nera"

Player: nero123

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I want to fight someone strong...


Jason is a typical teenager, he's rebellious and difficult to predict. He hates taking orders and prefers to be lazy and do what he wants. He considers himself to be the strongest fighter and doesn't care who he fights. He won't hesitate to turn on his allies if they annoy or anger him.

Equipment / Abilities
Gods Armour: Many parts of Jason's body has been replaced with Machinery and it is needed to run this armour, he almost never takes it off.

Holy Rings: 4 rings that are telekineticaly controlled that hover around his wrists and ankles. These are his main weapons along some energy based attacks the rings can make.  

*Blank until evil scientist is taken*
