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Adelmo Levett

Roleplay: "Borough Of Conjure (private) ChainsawLover/Zaiferz"

Player: ChainsawLover

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Wonder what's wrong with this place... Or maybe I'm overreacting?"



Adelmo is a young high school student who has just turned 17 years old. He has black frizzy hair and ivory skin. His eyes are grayish turquoise. Since his mother is a Japanese, he has a bit Asian features in terms of the appearance. He is not a notable boy at all in the village.


Adelmo is a rather passive person. He lacks confidence and thus stays quiet and be pushed around by the others, including his family members. He can be brave sometimes, but is then easier scared off. Due to his coward nature, he is the target of his classmates' pranks and jokes.

Though he is a quiet toy of his peers', he does not tend to hate them. Adelmo has a mild temper and is rather easy-going. He is also caring about his family and friends.

Equipment / Abilities

He is not good at sports. However he happens to be a genius when it comes to academic studies. He gets high marks constantly at school.

He is fairly good at cooking too since he started cooking for his family since he was ten.

Adelmo was not a local habitant in the village. He was born in a big city and spent his early childhood in the city. However after his parents got divorced he followed his mother and moved to this village, where a close friend of his mother's lives. He was enrolled to the village's elementary school and has been staying in the village since then. He's now studying at high school.
