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Emma "Lust" Hamilton

Roleplay: "S7Nera"

Player: a91nicole

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Lips as soft as roses carry the strongest secrets

Full Name: Emma Hamilton (Birth name Alyssa Shaw)
Call Me:  Emma, though those stung by me typically call me the Siren
Gender:  Female
Race:  Caucasian 
Origin:  British
Blood Type:  O +
Eye Color:  Light Blue
Hair Color: Brown

Height:  5'7"
Weight:  140 lbs
Body Type: Voluptuous slender
Hair Style: long, down, loose romantic curls

Sexuality: That would be straight, unless I need to be interested in a woman for a mission. 
Age:  26
Scars:  I have a scar from a laceration on each hip from a mission gone wrong. I try to cover these with makeup when I'm in mission mode
Ink/Holes:  My ears are pierced, but tattoos are too easy to identify me with
Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral/Occasionally lawful evil

    I am beautiful, sultry, sensual, and more than that- I'm smart. My brain works fast, my mind knows exactly what I want and exactly how to get it. My morals are... flexible to put it lightly. I have a determination that cannot be compromised or destroyed. Beauty is my weapon and I am an expert in the art. Charisma and the ability to make anyone feel comfortable and/or attracted to me work very much in my favor. I speak with a gentle, melodic tone, making sure my voice is never harsh and my words are nothing but well spoken. I also speak with a British accent considering I'm from the UK

     Emma is as beautiful as she says, and succeeds quite well with her clients or targets (depending upon who's she working for), but Emma is certainly a master of the mask. Very few people know much about Emma's past or the true state of her character. The only honest trait she makes visible is her determination, as it as led to everything she has done or ever will do. Emma is quite obviously a fan of the physical side of things, and makes not pretense of pretending she's not quite attracted to someone. But she's also very good at convincing people that she has no interest in that she indeed does. All of these things stack up to create the perfect spy, which she has made her life's work. Why is she considered evil? Well that would have to do with the fact that she's not picky who she spies on and who she sells those secrets too. A mercenary first and foremost, Emma is a force to be reckoned with beneath the layers of beauty and feminine mystique. 

Underneath all of the masquerading is an intensely clever woman who can read body language in an instant and respond in the manner the person most wants.  She's brilliant and beautiful and quickly adaptable. The real question though, that remains for Emma, is what are her true intentions, and why is she a woman so obsessed with secrets and power that she uses her body to obtain it?

Equipment / Abilities
Seduction, sensuality, and probably some of the best charisma in the world. She's clever when it comes to interacting with people as well. Obvious skills aside, Emma is quick on her feet, but typically avoids physical combat if she can. And she usually succeeds. Although she is resourceful and good at running out of situations that get a bit too dangerous, so that she doesn't get scars carved into her from another less than perfect mission. Not to mention her lovely British accent

If we are talking about things that aren't normally humanly possible, I can era jump. And I do. I've been romanced by quite a few historical figures. Where do you think all my diamonds came from?

That's a very... personal question. I bring what equipment I think I'll need from the makeup, to the dress and lingerie to... the other things. Seriously. Way personal. Unless you have some secrets, in which case, I'm negotiable.

Feminine Prowess. If you are asking for actual weapons, however, that would be my Desert Eagle and various collection of smaller knives. 

She was born Alyssa Shaw. There was a time when Alyssa wasn't exactly in charge of her own fate. Her parents were devout Christians, and their denomination of the religion is very present in the courtship and spousing of their children. Alyssa's family was no exception, and in fact was very fond of the rule. So fond that they arranged her marriage for her. Knowing she was a spunky, bright, spirited young woman, they felt they needed someone to reign her in. The selection resulted in a 30 year old to her 17 years. The man was very set on the woman being silent and submissive. Traits Alyssa wasn't exactly fond of. After a fully religious ceremony, she was married off at 17. A year in, Alyssa found herself in a situation of complete powerlessness, forced love, and many other negative things. Something cracked in her, and her cleverness took over. Seducing her husband to the bedroom, Alyssa decided to play some games that wouldn't have a happy ending for the twisted  man, and then she left him there  unable to move, and unconscious from pain. She nearly killed him, but the shame and and guilt he'd have to live with would last him a life time. Not to mention the scarring he'd have from her knife. Running away, Alyssa Shaw changed her name and became Emma Hamilton.

After the first sin, they came easy. After a life of being told what to do forced to bend to other people's wills, Emma was intoxicated by the power she had over men. Never being allowed to have her own secrets, she became addicted to the secrets of others. It started with just enjoying herself but then she found there was money in it, and one thing led to another until she found herself as a top mercenary for whatever it was she was needed.

    Freelancing. She takes the jobs that come her way, whether they be a silent assassination or the collection of sensitive information, or the destruction of an empire. Known as the Siren by those that fear her, Emma can be a difficult woman to find. But she can be found for a price and a secret. 

Emma protects her past as fiercely as she protects her life. She knows the power of vulnerability, and Emma isn't about to make herself vulnerable. She's spent enough time with people having power over her and she's not going to go back. Besides, part of her power is her ability to remain a mystery. 

LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT HISTORY: That whole excessively long session where women were weak.
FAVORITE HISTORICAL ERA/PERIOD: Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece, as women knew how to use their sensuality. Besides, they had the best stories of gods.
THEME SONG: Killer Queen by Queen
FAMILY: I don't speak to them. I haven't the faintest if they're even alive.
PET PEEVE(S): Chipped nails, people that are unkempt, chauvinists, people that are not cultured, Southern Redneck Americans