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Alex Johnson

Roleplay: "Population: Teens"

Player: alexos

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Alexander Johnson is a bit of a nerd, but doesn't let that stop him from saying what he wants. He's very open and trusting, and is loyal to his friends, even if he doesn't have much of a social filter.


Alex is 5' 9", weighs 175 pounds, and alwasy wears his jet-black aviator shades. Otherwise he'll be seen wearing basic T-shirts and jeans.


Alex is open and trusting to a fault. He'll share his feeling and will say his opinion even when others find him annoying. He's not afraid to say something becasue is is considered politically incorrect or not socially accepted, but will say what matters.

Equipment / Abilities

Alex always carries around a pencil, a pocket notepad, a small Sketchpad.

Alex's parents seperated when he was 5, so he isn't good talking to girls, or accepting a female authority figure. Otherwise his childhood ahs been normal and he leads a full life.
