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Roleplay: "Neverland"

Player: Syrasya

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"My kitchen, my rules."

Name : Chris Hunter
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Blonde
Age : 21 years old

Pirate (Head Chef)/Former Lost Boy

Likes : Cooking, Cleanliness, Kitchen

Dislike : Dirt

Equipment / Abilities
Does his culinary utensils counts?

Loki and Chris was born and raised in the same orphanage. While one would say that Loki was the life of the party, Chris was the overprotective parent. Ever since they were children, Loki would get himself into trouble and Chris would be the one to get him out of it. But, nonetheless, they were the best of friends.

However, because the two kids did not want to be separated, there was never anyone who would want to adopt the both of them. And, with the days ticking by, they finally reached the age of 17, a year before they were scheduled to be kick out of the orphanage. On the night just before Loki's 18th birthday, he was visited by a pixie. The creature told him of a place—a place where he never had to grow up. Loki begged her to take him to that special place and when she agreed, Loki made a request to take his best friend—sleeping on the upper bunk—to go with them.

So that was how Chris woke up from his satisfying slumber to the airs of Neverland. Even though he was reluctant to stay, he knew he couldn't leave Loki and sure enough, after a while, he started to love being in the magical world. However, problems arose with him and the lost children which made him turn to the pirates.
