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Samuel P. Quinn

Roleplay: "Xavi's character dump"

Player: Xavirne

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+ Room Thirteen || Deceased parents and unimaginable wealth for a kid who does nothing


Information Obtained and Added to Data Log
Name:  Samuel Pistol Quinn
Preferred Name:  Sam
Age: Twenty four
Gender:  Male
Eye and Hair Color:  Dull blue eyes that have seen brighter days and black hair that lacks that shiny sheen
Height and Build:  Five foot eleven inches and one-hundred fifty nine pounds.  He's got broad, manly shoulders and square hips.  The middle section could be a little fuller, but he's definitely not skin and bones.  He's got some muscle tone to his chest and stomach but not enough to label him sexy like Brad Pitt.  His arms have some definition as do his legs, but his signature feature would be that ass - full and round.  His lack of body and facial hair is nice, but it gives him a bit of a teenager appearance.  Nonetheless, he is an all around decent looking American boy.
Occupation:  Currently doesn't have one.  He comes from money - money that he has hardly touched.  The small fortune he did cut into was only enough to get him through two years of college, which is okay since his records indicate that he flunked out of school due to… not turning in his homework.  Exam grades were flawless, though.  He just failed because he didn't do the homework or the labs.  Interesting….
Brief Description:  He's got a bit of a boring look going on.  Jeans and a black shirt.  Not much for originality.  Usually sticks with the monochrome scheme, wearing only whites, grays, or blacks.  Appears to have a collection of Converse shoes in his closet as well as a half or so dozen suits.  Can't figure out how to tie a tie and yet he has at least twenty-four of them.  Sports a pair of dogtags that belonged to his father and wears a bracelet his mother made for him around his right arm.  Has a fascination toward leather jackets and boots.  Currently owns one belt with an Avenger's "A" belt buckle.

Comments on Personality and General Demeanor
The Ups:  Sam's a rather sweet individual.  He's an avid volunteer and loves to help those in need.  He's the kind of guy that roots for and helps the underdog.  He's got a kind smile and a welcoming swagger.  Sam's also a rather polite man who will open doors, assist with moving groceries, and rack leaves for the neighbor (free of charge).

The Downs:  He lacks motivation.  He has no desire to push himself or to even make a name for himself.  Gifted with the brain of his father and the charm of his mother, a man such as himself should be CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  Heck, he would probably be retired by now had he actually applied himself.  Not only does he lack motivation, but he also lacks discipline.  To him, life is nothing more than a game.  He charges into situations recklessly and irrationally.  He's still a child in that sense and fails to grasp the difference between a true hero and vigilante.

The In-between:  Despite having a depressing childhood, he's actually a well-rounded man.  He's not weighed down by sorrow and actually copes with it very well.  Granted, it's been over twelve years since the last of his world left him.  Still, he's a fighter and a very courageous man.

Love Life:  Currently nonexistent.  Although, he does appear to have a stalker.  Some chummy girl is always following him.  Apparently, they went to college together and she borrowed his pencil.  It was love at first sight and she's been hooked on him ever since.  Truth be told, dating her would probably be the best thing for him.  She's sweet, innocent, rich, and has a large family.  She would be able to give him everything he ever wanted - a family's love.

Ideal First Date:  Going hiking in the mountains and then having a marshmallow roast beneath the stars.

Likes:  Smiling, laughing, helping others, being put on the edge, challenges, running, motorcycles, racing, doing crazy stunts, and dogs

Dislikes:  Crying (it's a sign of weakness), people with power who use their power for themselves, homework, traffic cops, losing, landing himself in the hospital due to injuries sustained from reckless stunts, and cats

Favorite Food:  Spaghetti and meatballs.  Homemade without garlic.
Least Favorite Food:  Grapefruit.  It makes his face wrinkle with disgust.

Favorite Color:  Blue (a bold color with a calm attitude)
Least Favorite Color:  Red (too aggressive)

Enjoys Spending His Free Time:  Watching people, running, riding his motorcycle, and volunteering

Equipment / Abilities
Known Skills and Tools of the Trade
Legal Skills:  Computer whiz.  He is brilliant when it comes to computer and really anything electronic.  He's very handy, too.  He can change your oil, fix your lightning and plumbing, and put in hardwood floors.  He's also a decent runner and has claimed third in a marathon twice.

No So Legal Skills:  Hacker.  He could easily be a computer hacker.  He would also make a great criminal.  Watched him break into a building once to steal a field from his father's old office.  This boy could just be the next James Bond.

Other Noteworthy Talents:  He's a pretty flexible guy.  He's also got one hell of a gut.  He takes serious risks and is always able to finagle his way out of them.  He's got a silver-tongued, too.  Very charismatic and downright adorable.  Children love him, especially since he can see eye-to-eye with them.

Always on His Person:  Smart phone, 4G (so the internet), iPod and earbuds, wallet, Swiss Army knife, keys (to his motorcycle, mailbox, house, garage, and the shack), backpack, and his father's dogtags and his mother's bracelet

Carries in His Backpack:  A Canon Rebel XTI camera and lenses, a small black tablet that he uses to hack into security programs, several pens, a lock-picking kit, a feather duster, ink, duct tape, WD-40, a steel water bottle, several thumb drives, and a tennis ball (blue)

Good Detective Work Pried Open this Can of Worms
Youthful Years:  Born an only child, Sam was graced with his parent's love as well as wealth.  He was surrounded by family, always.  His mother left her job and took up a home career so she could raise her baby boy herself, as she wanted to be his influence.  Prior to his birth, she was a politician's assistant who was well-loved by all.  Lillian Marie (Hedfield) Quinn, did leave that life behind, though.  Now a mother and a stay at home wife, she decided to better utilize her talents by making her own business - one that involved making websites.

Her husband, Allen Samuel Quinn, was a military man turned CIA.  Head of the CIA's Office of Special Projects now, he as once the head man for the Technical Operations Department within the Domestic Protection Division.  He worked long hours but the man always managed to find a way home to kiss his son goodnight.  He also had to make sure he was able to work on a special gift for his son - he was building the boy a motorcycle of the finest caliber.

Needless to say, from birth until the age of eight, Sam had a great life.  Had his life on a silver platter but never exploited that.  He was just an all around sweet kid with a big heart.  And then tragedy struck....

The Loss of a Father:  The incident changed the household.  Lillian forever wore the eyes of a broken widow and Sam's smile faded.  Laughter was a sin within the house as tears were only allowed to enter the mind and air.

Agent Allen lost is life in what appeared to be a freak accident.  While testing out a new shield of sorts, there was a malefaction which caused a spark.  The air within the chamber was highly flammable and, within seconds, all the agents within the containment area were burned to a crisp.  None of them saw it coming and the death was instant so screams weren't even possible.

A large funeral was had, especially for Allen Quinn.  He was given a slew of awards and his already wealthy wife and son were given even more dough that would never be touched.

It took about four years for the two to finally cope with the reality of it all.  But, by then, Sam's grades had dropped too low that his mother was forced to yank him from school.  She had hopes of sending him to a private Catholic school but ended up shoving him back into the public school system when she suddenly fell ill.

Having to Say Goodbye to Her:  She died about seven months after being admitted to the hospital.  Cancer had formed between her lung and heart, making it inoperable.  Chemotherapy was attempted but failed as she grew weaker with each blast.  Nothing could be done to save her life except for to pray for her prolonged suffering, which was actually quite cruel.

Son's hands in her own, she made him promise that he wouldn't let her death affect him.  Sam was to attempt college when he turned eighteen.  Lillian begged him to find love and happiness, but she could see behind the tears in those brilliant blues eyes that happiness was no longer a word in his dictionary.

She passed away that evening, leaving a very lonely and broken boy to live in a world without the two people that brought him into it.  Forced to live with his mom's sister, he would soon make a series of bad decisions.

Teenage Years:  Between skipping school and starting fights, his Aunt Jillian was in for a rather bumpy three years.  Sam's grades were fluctuating and his mood was unbearable.  In a last ditch effort to save him from the life of a juvenile delinquent (she feared he would land there), Miss Hedfield removed him from his public school and forced him into that Catholic school her sister wanted him in.  He was given a psychiatrist who he was forced to report to on a daily basis.

Little by little, the anger started to vanish.  His grades improved and his smile returned.  Then he turned sixteen and he vanished.  Running away, though probably not the wisest move, did have its advantages.  He found his father's old shack which was laced with wires and high-tech gear.  He found his mother's private files on political figures.  Samuel Quinn even bumped into his father's old friend - Mr. Todd.

Learning about his parents was the greatest moment for him, he could see the light now and realized his immaturity.  With the assistance of Mr. Todd, he returned to a grief-stricken aunt, promising to never leave her again.

The two needed each other in a sense.  Both were broken and lonely and both missed Sam's parents.  Mr. Todd even stuck around and eventually started dating Jillian.

Graduating and Becoming a Man:  Graduating at the top of his class, Sam was destined for greatness.  Mr. Todd married Jillian shortly after Sam's graduating and the two racked in enough money to send the boy to law school.  Sam, however, decided that law school wasn't for him and ended up attending a RPI with the hopes of becoming a Mechanical Engineer.  About a year into the program, he found it too boring and was able to flip into something more challenging -  Chemical Engineering.

His grades were decent.  They would have been higher had he not decided to quit doing the homework or labs.  Perfect test scores and the ability to answer everything correctly wasn't enough to earn him that 4.0 though.  He needed to do the grunt work, which, according to the record, he said was "Pointless and a waste of my time."

Due to low grades, he was eventually kicked from the program and the college all together.  Sam was okay with this though as he really had no interest in obtaining a pretty piece of paper with his name on it.  Rather than trying to get a degree, he decided to start working in a local garage.  Eventually found an IT job and worked between the two for a year.

It was during that year that a little girl stumbled into his life.  An orphan, like him, Sam couldn't turn her big brown eyes away.  Although he's not the legal guardian of her, he does go out of his way to protect her.  Doesn't help that she's extremely shy and afraid of everyone.  The two seemed to be doing just great until the accident happened.  A robber had broken into the garage and held Sam at gunpoint.  This set the girl over the edge and she became a convulsing mess.  Thankfully, the police arrived just in time and saved the day. 

Still, after having a near heart attack due to severely high stress levels, Sam decided it was it was time for a nice relaxing vacation away from everyone and everything.  Holliday Island seemed like a great place to start over.  Maybe, if he was lucky, there would be some adventure there that would help him decide on his future.  Would he return to RPI and finish up that degree?  Would he help Pips find her parents (on the off chance they were alive)?  Or would he just remain a bum?  He wasn't certain what he would do but his gut told him that Holliday Island's little resort would give him a good push in the right direction.


Peabody’s Name for the Cat:  Stumpy (named as such because she loves to sleep in tree stumps)
Who they really are:  Sacagawea
What the Cat looks like:  She's an American Curl.  She's a well-balanced, moderately muscled, slender cat.  She's of proper proportion and size.  Her face is a bit longer than it is wide and her large ears are curled back with fluffy tuffs jutting from them.  She's an extremely fluffy cat, especially around the chest and tail areas.  Brilliant green eyes are always sweet and innocent and her little pink nose is small and adorable.  Her fur color is a nice shade of dark gray and light gray.  She's for light gray stripes down her front side and her back is a solid gray color.  She's got two thick black stripes that wrap around her hind-legs, making it very easy to differentiate her from the rest of the cats.  Overall, she's a very sweet looking cat that just adores getting scratched behind the ears.
What is their opinion on now being a common house cat?  It isn't as bad as one would think.  I get to explore the world without running into the issue of being too big.  I can squeeze between fence cracks and I can make jumps that I could never have jumped before.  I have newfound freedoms and I am quite fond of the wealth of love I receive.