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Richard Michael Varipail/Traval

Roleplay: "Shadows of the Old World: Gehenna's Survivors"

Player: shade_of_retribution

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The Glowing Tremere


Standing at 6' even with a lithe build, Rick seems a lanky figure to most at first glance.  His hair is black like raven feathers and his eyes an icy blue.  Usually dressed rather well in slacks, a dress shirt with a blue silk cord concealed by the collar, and suit vest, he presents the figure of an afluent man in his mid 20's.


Traval, having been created from Rick through the use of Thaumaturgy, looks just like him, and dressed much the same.


Once an aloof, detached individual, given over to cold, calculated logic rather than emotion, Rick's personality slowly drifted to something more human through his relationship with another kindred he met, Storm.  Though still given to more logical decision making, he's not so cold and detached any longer.


Traval, on the other hand, has a personality comprised of any and all bad traits associated with vampire mythology.  Proud, vain, and arrogant... cruel, coniving, and vindictive... seething with hatred for anyone and anything that he sees as weak or inferior to himself, it's all barely contained by his sociopathic tendencies.

Equipment / Abilities


Thaumaturgy:  Allure of the Flames

Thaumaturgy:  Path of Blood

Thaumaturgy:  Movement of the Mind

Thaumaturgy:  Path of Jupiter



His Thaumaturgic talisman is a stereotypical wizard's staff.  He also carries several trinkets concealed on his person with Thaumaturgic ritual effects imbued into them.  Though he didn't ordinarily carry the staff around with him before Gehenna, he is skilled in the use of it as a melee weapon.

Born in 1777 in Georgia as Britain's colonies were just beginning their fight for independence, Richard Michael Varipail, Rick, came into the world with a twisted fate.  Born to parents awakened as mages, he himself awoke to his birth-right early as he hit his teenage years.  Nicknamed Fireball by the local mage population for his natural affinity for fire, this affinity would carry over to his life as a Tremere, though he would earn a different nickname later in his unlife for his work with a different natural phenomenon.  He found himself embraced by a local Tremere of high standing shortly after the turn of the 19th century.  His early years, like all Tremere neonates, was spent being indoctrinated into the clan's hierarchy and the mysteries of it's prized discipline, Thaumaturgy.  As an awakened mage before his embrace, Rick was found to be nothing short of a prodigy in his Thaumaturgical studies, learning and mastering what he was taught of the discipline and its accompanying rituals quicker than any of his peers, and many of his elders.  He and his sire were sent to Chicago to help the Tremere chantry there in its efforts to rebuild after the great fire of 1871, and there he would stay for many years studying and experimenting.  Shortly after the turn of the 21st century, Rick would rise in status to that of his Sire and eventually surpass her, being sent to the south to take over as Pontifex and help establish a new Tremere chantry in Biloxi after the Sabbat were driven from the city.  His manor is located there, some distance outside the city, and it was here that he would meet his fate at what in essence was his own hands.  A fateful mistake made in due to his pride in his skills with Thaumaturgy created from himself a being who would take the name Traval and wreak unimaginable misery for him and everyone close to him untill in the end they killed one another, Traval having been unable to turn Rick into a monster like himself and Rick unable to undo the mistake he'd made in creating him.


Currently Traval is trapped within Rick's body due to some sort of magical feed back during Rick's attempt to undo the magics that he had used to create him.  They've also been pulled from an alternate reality and dumped into this post Gehenna reality where they killed each other during the same altercation 5 years earlier.


Both are 7th generation Tremere with extensive knowledge of Thaumaturgy.