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Bazeate Secretary - Viktor Wyrmwood

Roleplay: "Serenity Lands(closed)"

Player: Gobkin

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The pen IS mightier than the sword...

Black Hair with ornate strips of white and feather extensions.
5' 9", just a little shorter than most at his age of 23
Viktor's piercings usual draw attention to himself, but other than his unique facial features, he wears black dress shoes, plain black pants and a nice dress shirt while in the office or on the field. Dressing down, he prefers no clothes at all, but faded jeans and an old white shirt will due, with his barefeet.

Viktor's on-job professionalism is 'to-the-T', killing with a smile, finishing tasks early and seeming to be the star of the office. Though rumors say it's just because of an unobtainable crush he has on Commander Kaiser, in which Viktor would deny, swear, then smack the out-of-line cubical dweller. He puts on a tough outer-shell to protect himself from his submissiveness, and the stress of his job and 'secret' feelings usually have him smoking a pack or more cigarettes a day.

His true demeanor of a laid-back slob usually stays suppressed, until he gets out of work, of course.

Equipment / Abilities
Ability - File Cabinet Memory:
This invaluable ability let's Viktor retain the information gathered on certain subjects in his head, to be remembered at a far later date in impressive detail. Anything he can read or focus on for 10 Minutes can be stored in such away. Though, it seems to pull deep, unreferenced stored material, he must light up a cigarette. This act helps him focus on the task at hand.

-Revolvers X 2
-Dagger (Secondary Weapon)
-Flare Gun (Utility and Weapon)
-Military-Use Laptop
Grants access to computer files, and to communicate via headset to other Bazeate Members, sometimes even ask for reinforcements.

Need just another day or two to finish this part.
