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Deryn Langdon

Roleplay: "Clone Warehouse"

Player: Schizophrenic

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A skilled and freshly aquired aeronaut abord "The Ardent" airship.


Comfortable and appealing clothing has always been her style. She needs to be able to move around in something well enough that it wouldn't impede her fighting skills but at the same time wouldn't be a waste of her curves.

With a demeanor like hers, it's hard for Deryn not to be noticed. Equipped with elvish good looks and a charming personality those traits alone were enough for her to captivate the attention of others, spoiling her to get the things she desired most. Born with an irreparable hole in her heart, the energetic girl has spent her life eager to fill the desire she does not fully understand. Diving into an obsession with the vast sky above her Deryn became enthralled with the study of airship navigation and piloting. With vast knowledge came satisfaction through impressing those around her with her skill, and anyone who has spent more than twenty minutes with the girl knows she will go off on a tangent on the subject and it takes a lot for her to turn back.

To those who partake in her company casually they would tell you not to let her typical joker attitude let your guard down. Deryn's quick wit and eagerness for a fight could end up getting you in trouble... and even if she does take the effort to serenade you with a charming or indecent remark, that doesn't mean you'll make it through the night.

Equipment / Abilities
Her skill does not lie mainly in a gun or blade but rather in hand to hand combat. This being the case she has taken a liking to wearing brass gauntlets that deal that extra damage. But sometimes the situation calls for something a little more lethal, so for an insurance policy she carries an onyx handled sword on her belt at all times along with a few smoke bombs that have been known to be rather faulty on occasion. Deryn hasn't carried a pistol on her in ages, too many accidental misfires got her in over her head quite a few times so she decides to go without.

Being born inside the walls of an all elven inhabited mansion in the city of Cann, the Langdon name had stayed inside that building for many years so it was expected that Deryn would do the same. The youngest of three daughters, her mother was growing weary of watching her children live in such a way she could never escape herself... emotionally and physically. Her mother still to this day would not explain her reasoning to a soul, but once Deryn came of age, a favor was called out under the Langdon name to take her away to stay with a noble and well educated man who acquired his wealth by designing and building airships. This is when it all started, her eyes became focused on the sky from that day on.

Through this man, she came to know many well known men in the industry. Seen on the arm of pilots, engineers and others of the sort. It's well known that she has those men to thank for the knowledge she posses and those relationships were surely equally beneficial. When word began to pass through that The Ardent was taking on the mission of acquiring The Shift Particle, she knew where she had to be. As expected, Deryn made the cut and intends to take everything she can from this journey.

  • It is said that in her life span she had been caught in the beds of not only men, but women alike. This is just a rumor, and most likely was started by a man with a dirty mind.
  • True love is something that Deryn believes will never come for her, or any of her race.
  • If she particularly enjoys pummeling the likes of a certain opponent, she has been known to not wash the blood from her gauntlets.