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Herald O'Conner

Roleplay: "Theater Of The Damned"

Player: La_H

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I play to live, nothing else.

Herald O'Conner

Herald has always been an "oddball" to others. By the time he had turned 17 he was touching 6 feet. Now at age 22 he's 6'2, decently built, and as cold as ice. It's not that Herald means to put himself out there as a being whom is better than others, it's his defense mechanism. But to make Herald even more 'unique' he has grass green hair and an apatite like a hungry lion. Herald's one true passion is his violin. 

Name: Blue
Instrument type: Violin
Master skill: Highly Respected

The Normal: Herald has a very distant demeanor about him; his dis-interest in people, and what goes on around him. When people try to converse with him he ignores them. He doesn't do this on purpose though. His mind is always out there. 

The Friendly:  This is a side people have never seen from Herald.

The Artist: The most respected side of Herald is his artistic side. His one true love, his passion; the violin. Years and years since childhood has Herald played the violin and naturally be good at it. Before he was taken to the Damned where he'd have to play for his life Herald had earned several trophies and recognition for his beauty represented by his violin. 

Equipment / Abilities

Herald was raised by orchestra, literally. Both his parents belonged to the local orchestra thus making them move often. And of course, Herald followed. Because of this deep influence for music Herald was always trying new instruments. These instruments varied from the clarinet to its grandfather, the trumpet to its cousin, the french horn; the saxophone to its bass brother, and many others until the violin. It was once the first note emitted from this illusive violin that Herald fell in love. And his love increased each time he played. But it caught him off-guard when he woke up in the Damned Theater.  
