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Anne B. Carter

Roleplay: "Ready for improvement?"

Player: La_H

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Bonjour, ma chérie.

Anne B. Carter

Anne, as of recently, is now twenty-six years old. She has a natural hour-glass shaped body adorned with tight leather straps. These leather straps vary in size; they're completely dependent on which part of the body they're wrapped around. Anne has fair skin with light freckles that hide under make-up. She has large almond shaped eyes accented with variant shades of blue and a bit of mascara. Starting from the bottom right of her face to the top left of her forehead there's a deep navy blue (though very light on the skin), rouge-ish tattoo acquired some years ago on her peak of woman hood. Ordinarily Anne wears her bra-strap length hair down, pale blue highlights random bits of her hair. 

Anne has never been an out spoken person. She says what she believes needs to be said at the given moment, then hushes. Regularly Anne is indifferent. It takes a lot to get a stir out of her. And it's difficult for Anne to voice her opinions. But, though an introverted and stressed stricken young woman, she's able to be at ease when surrounded by creatures. 

Equipment / Abilities

