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Roleplay: "The WTF Multiverse"

Player: Maestra de Musica

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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She's got black hair and an attitude.

She's got blue eyes dark skin she's moderately tall, about 5' 4" and Her hair is Black and sticks up in all the right places. 

"I'm everything you want." Is what she Believes. Minerva is the kind o girl that doesn't care what you think. Its hard to hurt her with words. And because of that, her biggest enemy is herself. You could call her a dictator, but she likes the tyrant better. As a natural perfectionist, any flaw must be eliminated, she knows she cant fix the world the only thing she can fix is herself. Now we can see her inner struggle, beside the fact that she's smart, funny, and pretty (if you like this sort of girl) her self confidence in times of stress is zero.

Equipment / Abilities
She learns fast and has an aptitude for hand to hand combat.

Seriously the combat training came from movies and a class at school.... you guessed it, the class is reading and the practice comes from the unfortunate saps who try to bully her...
