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Elias Diden

Roleplay: "Don't Let Your Hope Fade"

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Cold is just a hypothermic reaction- not caused by sparkly magic.


"I am not particularly the best in the face of adversity- if anything- I would honestly not bring myself along. The standards of being a hero must have fallen recently."


Name: Elias (Ee-Lie-Us) Diden (Die-den)

Gender: Male

Preference: Straight

Age: Twenty-One

Eye Color: Slate Grey

Hair Color: Moot Brown

Height/Weight: Six Feet/One-Hundred and Eighty Pounds


Personality: Someone would probably start out their description of Elias by saying he is a recluse, socially awkward, and is unable to begin to understand people on a level other than mechanically cellular. Not to imply the boy is a robot but he isn't without his cold demeanor that truly comes with just being be ineffable to the world. He is slow to trust, but once he does- he is quite the kind individual. Sometimes he seems arrogant but that isn't truly by choice, but the way he chooses to speak to people. Elias is so smart that he sometimes lacks even the most common of sense, and seems to find things that others view quite important as something he could live without. It is highly grating to get to know him, but once you see past all the odd mannerisms he is as human as anyone else- if not more so.

Equipment / Abilities
The Item: The tiara? Yes- that is not quite the heroic item he was looking for. Either way the story to Elias's acquiring said relic was rather easy and not at all in the slightest bit epic. On most days it slips past his mind to go pick up the mail, and so a week or so passed before he realized that he hadn't checked it in quite some time. This may have had something to do with the fact he was awaiting a part- or maybe he was just missing some niche magazine he enjoyed. Either way- when he opened his mailbox- there it was. "Hah-hah, funny guys," he grumbled as he snatched from atop his mail and trudged back to his apartment. And that is where it is now- underneath the weekly news, some junk mail, and a few bills. A few times he has considered pawning it off, but he honestly hasn't thought much of it recently. Yet those thoughts seem to be changing.

Weapon(s) of Choice:
Baseball bat- as one might come to understand, Elias has never been one for rough physicality with others even given his stature. And so it is plausible that a blunt object without much need in skill is probably the best for him.
Vast Intellect- this is where the boy truly shines. Raised by geniuses (or pseudo-genius in his father's case) it is fair to assume that most of his skills were inherited via the intense cold nurturing he was given. So he is fairly good with machinery (both the hardware and the software), programming, and hacking. If someone wants in anywhere or out of there he can seem to make it happen. Though most of his prowess is through a third-hand base anyway, but one shouldn't completely think him lacking when it comes to doing things first hand. You should also probably remove his glasses- they are bulky for a reason (one being that his vision is absolutely horrible).
Photographic Memory- not a true photographic memory but good enough that he can get by with seeing things once or twice before knowing it completely. This being said- it seems as if unless he truly concentrates on it the oddest things pop into his mind.

History: Elias was born in Ciel'fant, and is a true native of there- but he was raised in Gagdofph. At a young age his parents were invited to help with several projects in that deep sea laboratory. His father was a biochemical engineer while his mother was a simple mechanical engineer- he ended up taking after his maternal figure mostly while picking up some simple enzyme catalysts and the nucleo-peptide bases of DNA. Like most children that are raised by self-aggrandizing geniuses he found himself learning, comprehending, and being challenged on a level far superior to his age. Yet also like most children that are particularly sedentary he found himself being mocked throughout the majority of his childhood and young teenage years for being rather- well- tubby. It was only after he hit puberty and gained a few inches in a grow spurt did he find that if he actually tried with his looks that people wouldn't make fun of him so. So he majored in mechanics, dabbled in chemistry, and pretty much adopted a steady mantra of nutrition. In the end- the undersea colony was not enough for him, and as soon as he managed his degree- he decided to leave.

At the ripe age of eighteen he left Gagdofph and meandered about for while selling his 'skills' and intellect for a reasonable price. By an odd  happenstance he managed to climb the ladder rather quickly and ended up as one of many of Princess Lani's tutors. Sadly she calls him 'Eli-Weely' and yawns rather loudly when it start his didactics on the physics of mechanics.




Hometown: Seeing as Elias did quite a bit of moving around as a child- it is hard to say if he has any one place of origin. He does like to say it is Wayfter though- given the fact that he grew up there. Though it is more than apparent he is not a native of Gagdofph.


Likes: Finishing a project, solitude, a good cup of tea, being right, cats (the only pet that practically takes care of itself), and procurement of more information (or as we like to call it: studying).

Dislikes: Humiliation, ignorance, stupidity, all forms of social situations, the belief that everyone should grow old- get married- and produce children, any photos of him during childhood, and being compared to his parents.


Favorite Music Genre: Unknown- he really doesn't listen to that much music.

Theme Song: Crystalised by The Xx