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Evelyn M-2

Roleplay: "The WTF Multiverse"

Player: CelesteStar

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Evelyn m-2, also known simply as Evelyn, is an android created for the purpose of combat. However, she was out of commission for so long so started forgetting who she was, and now acts like a real girl! with the exception of her cannon-arm, of course.

She has pale sea green hair that falls past her shoulders then curls up into some sort of flare, the kind frequently seen in anime. She has big blue eyes with pupils that are quite...sparkly, due to them being artificial. She IS an android, after all. She is pale, but her left arm is bionic: blue, skeletal, metallic, but has a texture much like skin. She is able to transform this into a cannon on command. This arm is usually hidden under a thick gray hoodie that she wears. She also wears jeans and black sneakers.

She is usually sickeningly cheerful and overly optimistic. She tries hard to understand others, but since she wasn't programmed to feel emotions (she was a combat android, after all), she is easily overwhelmed when someone expresses a negative feeling, like crying when sad. She is extremely intelligent; however, this is only knowledge wise. As a tactician, she's pretty useless. When she is upset, she activates her arm and blows up inanimate objects of lesser value. 

Equipment / Abilities
She has a database like an encyclopedia for her brain. As an android, she is faster and more durable than humans, but she can be just as easily "killed" or de-activated. Her arm transforms into a short, thick cannon that blast blue concussion beams. It is also flexible and extendable, for other usages.

She was created to be a combat android, emotionless and merciless. However, that ended shortly when the prototype deactivated on the battlefield. When she was brought back, the organization that created her among many was gone. She stayed among the humans, but hasn't exactly learned how to "feel:".
