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Jeremy Nicholae "Tesla" Eames

Roleplay: "Shadows of Grandeur"

Player: LostInFandom

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Technology-enthusiast son of an equally enthused computer engineer and biochemist. Basically your average sixteen-year-old techie-nerd-geek kid with a penchant for Robot Unicorn Attack marathons and a slightly unhealthy interest in My Little Pony.


Name: Jeremy Nicolae "Tesla" Eames

Gender: Male

Age: Sixteen

Current Status: Healthy/Normal

Physical Description: Tesla is of Caucasian descent, 5'7" tall with auburn hair, green eyes, and a somewhat round-ish, boyish face, and a tendency to look very much lost in thought.  He has a decent amount of muscle on him from running hugh school track--about the only truly physical athletic thing he does do. 

Aside from time spent outside running, Tesla tends to lock himself inside (mostly metaphorically, though Robot Unicorn Attack marathons are very Serious Business and sometimes require a physical barrier to keep worried parents at bay...) with his electronics, computer programming, and oft ill-advised physics "experiments". He normally manages to keep explosions to a bare minimum, though the constant indoorsyness has lead to some incredibly pale skin under a light smattering of freckles.

Clothes Description:  Tesla normally tends towards dark jeans and uniformly coloured and or simply patterned T-shirts, except for on what he terms 'Snarky Saturdays', when he breaks out the ones with the witty phrases and sometimes obscure science fiction references. Since today is not Saturday, Tesla is currently wearing nice dark jeans, black converse, and a purple long-sleeved shirt under a somewhat loose hooded grey canvas jacket.  He is currently wearing only two not-strictly-clothing items:  a leather bracelet, metal-plated and, under a teapot and cup, etched with the phrase, " Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Around his neck is a gold chain looped through the One Ring (Lord of the Rings). 


Tesla is very introspective, often lost in in a stream of thoughts going more than a mile a minute. When he is asked for imformation or an opinion regarding something he knows a lot about--like computers, science (most notably physics), his favourite shows, books, and or music--expect to be given an almost inhumane amount of information in a short amount of time.  Although he teeter-totters between completely spaced and frighteningly focused, Tesla is a bit shy but genuinely helpful, trusting and trustworthy person--not quite naive, but close enough to come off as being more innocent than one would expect.


Despite being a mostly angst-free, kinda lazy teen on first glance, Tesla is very hard-working, though he does tend more towards spending time alone than with large groups of friends due to the habitual absence of both parents from an early age.  It didn't take long for a younger lonely Tesla to discover code as a good time spender. Most of his human contact is through school and his semi-business that mostly consists of webpage coding and some programming besides. Dealing with a wide range of clients--most of which are unknowledgeable of technology and its many frustrating facets--has made him very good at explaining complex ideas in simple terms.

Equipment / Abilities

Equipment: At any given time, Tesla has his smartphone on hand along with his wallet, keys (house keys, bike lock key, collapsable titanium spork, a multi-tool keychain--a semi-serrated knife blade, a Phillips screwdriver, eyeglass screwdriver, bottle opener-- and a small LED flashlight attached to an Alice in Wonderland mini-flask keychain. 

Merits:  Ambidextrous (3 dot), Technophile (2 dot), Resources (1 dot), and Fleet of Foot (1 dot).


 As stated above, although Tesla's childhood has been fair enough up to this point, his parents are notably absent a majority of the time: his father is busy with work for his high-range engineering job for an electronics company, where his mother often stays late with her biochemistry/pharmaceutical lab work.  As an only child, Mr. and Mrs. Eames have a rather high standard for their son--college is a must, and both have been overjoyed to the point of neuroticism that he's following in their scientific footsteps.

When he was a child, however, and before discovering a knack and love of technology and physics, Tesla (then still called Jeremy) was a complete and utter literature nerd. His favourites were, and still are, Alice in Wonderland and The Lord of the Rings series.  His love for them both still stand, though many science fiction novels and television series are currently vying for second place.



Goals/Future Stuff: Although he currently fills his time with fandom, coding, and generally nerdery, he honestly doesn't quite know where he's going in his life. He wants to go to college, and even though that's still a few years off, the indecision over possible majors--english or comp sci, writing or technology?--is a long standing war within; it is one that is also, unfortunately, something rarely seen by his mostly well-meaning but rather single-minded parents when they are around.

Aside from college, another of his current goals is to push his Wikipedia-esque website, Trivictionary, to be the forerunner of online encyclopedias. The progress is, optimistically, sluggish.

Perception: 6

Virtue: Diligence

Vice: Sloth 

Character's Friends: Tesla doesn't really have a whole lot of in-person friends his own age aside from his best friend and long time neighbor, Caroline; he isn't completely shy and reclusive, but he also doesn't necessarily pour forth all his woes onto the first peer to ask him how his day's been going. Once he has met someone, it depends on the mood of the conversation to see how much he'll let free. Even if he isn't best buds with someone one the first try, he is nonetheless a friendly person to make small talk with--when he's not spaced out and or lost in thought--and a generally trustworthy and trusting kid. He and Caroline met when both were children and have managed to maintain a strong bond throughout the years' ups and down. An ongoing Robot Unicorn Attack pissing contest ('healthy competition') and a joint obsession with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic between the two certainly helps.