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Roleplay: "Come Morning Light"

Player: a91nicole

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The friendly younger sister of Caden


Age: 18
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125
Alignment: New Dawn, though she's content to let things go their way or to follow Caden
Alters: basic Alter-Pack and thats it
Weapons: Just a small dagger.

Cara is very bubbly and friendly. She believes most people are good at heart despite what her sister, Caden, tells her. She's a bit naive but so genuinely sweet that most people tend to like her so she doesn't usually suffer much injustice. She's aware of the unfairness the high-rites place upon them, but doesn't care about it as vehemently as Caden does. Cara is one to sit back and let politics handle themselves and instead focusing on living a positive life as much as she can. Perhaps that is a type of weakness, but Cara has a much stronger inner strength than Caden could ever know. Cara knows that Caden is a bit protective of her, but she allows it as she knows Caden does it out of love. Cara is a rare gentle spirit in a harsh world.

Equipment / Abilities
Just her little dagger. Cara is content to allow Caden to handle any sort of real fighting.

Cara was born into the same middle class/lower middle class environment that her sister Caden was born into. Unlike her sister, however, Cara was born with the inner grace to accept her situation and make the best of it. Rather than fighting it tooth and nail Cara accepted it and did her best to always be polite to authority and have a good record. Her biggest crime is probably killing a roach. After she went through schooling, Cara was given the option to work in the clothing stores in the city. Being very fond of people and very into the idea of working with people, Cara took it and has since found contentment in her work. She supports the New Dawn, but very quietly and would not be very likely to participate in any sort of fights. Caden can handle that.
