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Yvin "Cyrus" Jezic

Roleplay: "Frozen illusions"

Player: ray murata

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The brainwashed flier / the betrayer


               Height: 1.87meters [6 feet one]____
                            Weight: 80 kilograms [176 pounds]___
               Eyes: Dark blue
               Hair: Average brown
               Skin: White, towards pale
               Ancestry: British and Arabian
               Style: Casual, average

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 One damn confused Guard Dog 。。。 
______________________。。。❝ Yvin (Cyrus) Jezic ❞

Discipline, quietness and introspection would very well describe Yvin Jezic. He's learnt how to keep all the wildness confined inside his mind, only letting it out through a secret plot or scheme, that sometimes don't go as he'd like. Despite his incredible visual memory and vast creativity, he is mostly restraint, obedient and docile. He has since childhood been a kid easy to handle, a dedicated student, a disciplined flier, an attentive engineer, a brainwashed Society worker. Yvin has enough confidence on his natural and supernatural abilities, but not enough so to believe himself capable of rising too high - He both respects and fears hierarchy, which made him nothing but mediocre (and he knows it). Those whom he love have the greatest importance in his life and he could easily give up anything for their sake. He is an average brave guy, willing to take risks for truly deserving reasons, but not so much just for... Well, risking. He does hold strong onto what he has acquired so far in his life, concrete things, touchable, reachable conquests... He is fearful of only building up illusions, of ending up with nothing but surrealism - Nonexistent health, welfare, companies - An illusory life. 
His restraint, and his opinions on the Society's ways and rules, are slowly changing, giving way for a wilder, confused and impulsive part of him to show up.

Equipment / Abilities
                • ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
                  __☩ The Power : Illusionism ☪ 

     I can do it 。。。  

        ▶ Create non-solid 3D static illusions – From objects to whole rooms or scenarios. They’re less likely to contain sounds as well, even though it is possible. I can create such illusions to a whole group of people. 
        ▶ Create non-solid, 3D, in-movement illusions – From small objects to big things… Less likely to be whole scenarios, even though it is possible.. I can create such illusions to multiple people.
        ▶ Create mental illusions, solid to the victim. They can be all sort of things, no restrictions to my creativity. However, they take much more effort and can only be created to one person at a time.

     It takes me 。。。  

        ▶ For simple ones, only energy enough and concentration. For more complex illusions, initial eye contact is needed as well as concentration and energy.

     It lasts 。。。  

        ▶ For days and days or only some few hours – It depends on complexity and my body & mind strength.


Yvin was the first and only kid the Jezic's ever had - He had his mom's face. 

He was born and raised in New York until he was five when his father, a banker, was transferred back to his home country, England. Life for them was ever so peaceful, with Yvin being a quiet and lonely kid with an imagination big as the world. Throughout his entire childhood, he could spend hours straight playing with old and simple toys, happily enjoying whoever company he had, even if that was no one at all. He was never troublesome and his bonding with his father, since early years, was great. When puberty came around, Yvin's discovery of his same sex fondness was slightly more overwhelming than the discovery of his powers, or at least at first. He was intently attracted to a few classmates and while no straight porn video could get him too involved, the images of West Ham United football players in his head could be quite effective. He started asking questions eventually... "Dad, what makes one gay?" and "Dad, did you ever have a gay friend?" and "Dad, is it okay to be queer?" were more than enough to make the old man understand. And unlike Yvin, who was struggling to understand his sexuality, his parents were totally ok with it... They were struggling with something else, trying to understand all the weird things appearing and disappearing in their home.

Stuff simply appeared... A guitar, boxes, shoes, things that never were. Sometimes they were too scared to even touch things, for their touch could trespass the materials. Each of them went through it alone for a while, kepping secrets and fearing their own sanity. When finally they talked it out, it was easier to aceept that maybe, just maybe, supernatural things could exist. Soon enough it was easy to link all those strange happenings to the distressed young boy who popullated the entire house with his mind. Sometimes even with people, with ghostly silhouettes of living people... By that time Yvin too was starting to realize he could do things other people couldn't. He realized he could willingly create things, or at least temporarily, ilusorically. He broke the two news at one, that he was gifted with a weird ability and gay, and Jameel Jezic promised to help him dealing with both the best he could, even though they were both unknown territories to him. 

The week that followed was one he could remember in detail - He spent it all locked up in the study practicing his powers in the company of an amazed and scared father. That was when two old men and a woman knocked on their door, claiming to be part of an organization called "The Society". From that point on, his memory went blank. When Yvin woke up again, he was on the plane to the United States again and everything would drastically change for him. He was fourteen, hopelessly confused with himself and terribly scared - Certainly he screamed and cried and did all within his power to have his parents again, but the Society made it clear to him: "Being with your parents will put them at risk. You made the right choice," and soon enough he was sure of it himself, and proud. He'd chosen bravely. Or had he?

There were the pros and his first year eventually became amazing - Countless supernaturally skilled mates and teachers, the freedom to use that ability, the prospect of being able to perfectly control it, the normalcy of it all. He did also attend to all normal school subjects and soon vacations were ahead. He received information about his parents every other month and that appeased his mind most of the time. It was only one year later, when he tried bargaining spending vacations in England, that he learned of his parents' situation: They had had their memories erased. They didn't know he existed anymore. They were "gone", unreachable, safe. Safe, they were safe. Protected... Happy.

But Yvin had the Society to call home and family, which he did. High School went on amazingly well and as soon as it was over he enrolled on an Army educational program offered by the Society. He served the army for two years and the aeronautic for three, all along pursuing his Aeronautic engineering degree. He acquired a passion for flying, activity for which he had much more passion than engineering itself. When it was over, though, he was soon offered a well paid job in the Society Security Department, under Thomas Schlosberg's supervision.

Thomas was downright his perfect man - But he never expected any affection to be requited. If only it had never been... If only.
