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Roleplay: "The Ruby Gate"

Player: Nikia

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Knight of Fire Skeleton


Family Name:
12 Day Name: Xylona
12 Year Name: Suu
Pilgrimages Name: TBA

Xylona is truly beautiful. Her platinum blonde hair falls between her shoulders, perfectly straight and lush. It shines as it catches the light. She wears it naturally, letting it fall as it will, trimmed in the front to keep it out of her lovely face. Her blue eyes shine like the winter sky, cold, piercing and perfect on her pale face. Her white-blonde eyebrows form perfect arcs above her wide eyes and her full, pale eyelashes frame them perfectly. She uses not black liner on her eyes, but rather silver, adding to the pale features she possesses. Her high cheekbones and straight, aquiline nose make her look noble and slightly haughty. Her full lips are a pale pink, but stained the deepest red with a matte lipstick. She wears no other make up on her pale, porcelain perfect skin. No blemishes, beauty marks or scars seem to mar her, making her a perfect, blank canvas.

She looks to be in her mid twenties, but her fair and near perfect features make it hard to tell her precise age. She is slender with a well-toned, athletic build and stands at an average height. The gentle curves of her body announce her femininity with a sensual whisper rather than a shout. Her clothing accentuates her curved, hugging the slope of her breast and the curve of her hips. The soft fabric of her clothes wrap around her perfectly.

Her armor, like her clothing also seems to accentuate her feminine body. Her blacksteel breastplate is molded to her body and etched with fine filigree that matches the emerald of her Holy Weapon. She wears a winged helmet that matches her breastplate in material and style. She wears the blacksteel plate over lightweight chainmail and black leather padded armor. The sheath that hangs on her back, holds The Emerald Sword that has taken on the shape and size of a standard gladius.

Star Sign: Lil

Suuna is quiet and contemplative. She is elusive and borders on mysterious, rarely speaking of her own life and past. She is overly sensitive to criticism and praise and this makes her incredibly insecure. She plays off her insecurities with a silent front and foul temper. She does not like people getting close to her, always afraid they will abandon her.

She is completely fearless when it comes to physical ordeals and battle. This gives her little sense of self preservation in the heat of battle or during any contest of physical endurance. She often rushes into harm's way without any thought of the consequence. This can cause problems for those around her as she doesn't think about their welfare either.

She is focused on her goals, which she keeps realistic and few. She is loyal to the King above all others, even the Queen. The basis for her loyalty is unknown. It is well known that she has taken much punishment protecting him.

Equipment / Abilities
Holy Weapon: The Emerald Sword

Magical Abilities:
  • Exploding Brimstone - This is the ability to pick up stones and turn them into burn bits of brim stone that explode upon impact.
  • Immunity to Fire - This makes the Character immune to the effects of fire including burning and smoke inhalation.
  • Ring of Fire - This creates rings of fire that trap and burn enemies. The rings can vary in size from 1 foot radius to 1 inch radius so it can be used to subdue someone without killing them.
  • Flame Fury - The ability to call upon a fiery rage that increases strength, speed the desire to kill. When in a Flame Rage, pain and injury are inconsequential to the user and they can 'power through it'.
  • Fire Dancing - The ability to control the movement of fire. The fire has to have a fuel source where it moves.

  • Swordsmanship
  • Hair Styling
  • Appraisal of goods- stones, jewelry, clothing, crafts, art etc
  • Designing clothing

  • She is fearless. Nothing phases her- it isn't courage, but a complete lack of fear.
  • She has excellent body control and balance, using her agility to make up for a lack of strength.
  • She is hardy against large temperature fluctuations,able to adjust her inner body temperature.

  • Elusive and unattached
  • She has no sense of self preservation.
  • Being around children- she never knows what to do with them.
  • Mistrusting of magic and mages in general

Early Life High Points
Suuna was born in Facil. When she was young, she lost both of her parents in a boating accident. Without other family near by, she was sent to an orphanage. here she met her best friend Keoloha. She and the boy were very close giving each other their 12 year names. When Keoloha turned 13, he asked Suuna to marry him, giving her a cheap leather bracelet as a promise token. She agreed that they would get married when they were old enough and settled. Sadly, he was adopted the next year. Sunna has not heard from him since. Because of this, she is elusive and disdainful of love and people and fears abandonment. She left the orphanage when she turned 14, joining the army. The same year, the orphanage burned down- though Suuna was already well away from the place.

Current Life
Sunna serves in the Red Dawn Watch and is completely loyal to the King and to a lesser extent the High Queen. She is the King's personal bodyguard and is usually seen within the castle near his side. She lives in Amberlin-Pastine in a small room on the castle grounds. She is often seen in the markets of the city buying expensive cloth and jewelry.

Suuna advanced quickly in the army after she joined. Her beauty caught the eye of many of her superiors, giving her an advantage over others who were perhaps more skilled or more experienced. However, she is skilled, very skilled. It was not her beauty that caught the King's attention, but rather this skill and her speed. She participated in a competition in the capital along with a number of other soldiers and mercenaries. She came out on top. The King named her as his personal bodyguard and she has been serving him ever since on the Red Dawn Watch.

Holy Weapon
Suuna was sent to Gildensol on a mission for the current King Jasper Toril. He is an Emett of the Royal family there, so he got her into the country without trouble. She was sent to see a specific Rovon and kill him. She did her duty and unknown to her, this move caused a sharp growth in prosperity in that region. The Rovon had been over-taxing the land and the people for some time and preventing trade in the region. In his chamber, she kept hearing someone calling to her from beneath the floor boards- calling to be freed. Concerned that this was a person, she tore up the boards and found a box. Within the box was The Emerald Sword. The moment she touched the sword, it accepted her, choosing the shape of a gladius for her.

[[All other details undefined.]]

  • 1 - Physical Beauty
  • 2 - Speed
  • 3 - Agility
  • 4 - Intuition
  • 5 - Constitution
  • 6 - Stamina
  • 7 - Strength
  • 8 - Charisma
  • 9 - Intelligence
  • 10 - Wisdom