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Roleplay: "The Ruby Gate"

Player: Misaru

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The Knight of Earth, Seraphrim.


Family Name: Sinclair
12 Day Name: Seraphrim
12 Year Name: Claye

Seraphrim has always been a somewhat good looking man. Whether it was an asset or not, Seraphrim has always been oblivious to the fact that someone's physical appearance was mostly an issue. Throughout his youth, Seraphrim had always been described as modest. Never taking compliments too seriously. He just saw things as they were, nothing seemed too special about his appearance in any way. The dark hair he was born with compliments his fair complexion, though his light brown eyes seem almost average. Seraphrim's father was tall, stocky and could almost have been described as a strange tree that grew limbs. He was a hard man, and Seraphrim did not inherit many of his father's features. Mostly just the man's complexion and hair color. It was the woman who bore him that Seraphrim most resembles. The man's mother held a regal and noble look to her. Soft features and could almost pull of an air that she never worked a day in her life, while that would be an outright lie. Long eyelashes, a slender nose and average lips. While retaining a few delicate features, Seraphrim is very far from that description. While not stocky, Sera keeps up his strength without going past his toned frame. It's an almost average apperance, muscle wise while standing  at five feet, ten inches. Nonetheless, build and height often have only little to do with skill. This has proven to be a bit of an advantage when it comes to battle. Many underestimate his abilities.

Battle has greeted Seraphrim's body more than once. Violence is often what marks the male's skin, leaving memories behind. For a knight, it's almost expected to see scars here and there. There is only one that is outstanding against his light toned skin. Wide and long, history of a large gash across his chest can be seen. It healed slightly ugly, though has faded over the years. Yet, the fact that Seraphrim is usually constantly dressed head to toe has nothing to do with the scar. Long sleeved shirts, that cover his neck as well, long pants and sturdy shoes is the man's normal attire. Very few people have not seen the man unclothed. He tends to be very conservatively dressed.

Seraphrim's use of armor is very sparse. The man never felt too comfortable wearing heavy armor, though he is capable of wearing it with very little difficulty. It was just never his preference. The man prefers to be able to move quickly, and to use his flexibility as an advantage. Usage is kept to what is needed, even if he would prefer to not wear any at all. The man knows that light armor is the safest route to go.

Star sign: Aro

Being a somewhat difficult man to read, many people cannot say what Seraphrim may be thinking. Seraphrim is definitely not an open book, he isn't even a man who enjoys pointless conversation. If there isn't anything to say, he won't even bother. Many people find him somewhat unpleasant to be around, as he's not even kind when he has a contributing factor to a conversation. Point blank, he usually states what is on his mind. Typically, Seraphrim keeps to himself. It is difficult for the man to say that he just outright dislikes people in general, yet there are few random people he can enjoy himself around. Yet, either he or they do not stick around for a friendship to last.

For a long time, Seraphrim was quick and easy to anger. It was the death of his wife and daughter that brought a slightly unstable personality for many years after that time. Since then, the man has calmed down and has been able to think once more before his actions. Due to that time in his life, and the way his temper rose, it is sometimes reflected in the style he fights in. Even if the man has been able to calm himself down, rare occurrences of him losing his temper have happened. A reputation was built regardless, and many know not to cross the sour man. From time to time, it is known for bits of cockiness to surface.

Promiscuity makes him very uncomfortable. Seraphrim is described as very prude concerning sex. Sexuality was never something the man could discuss. In a way, it can make him flustered. On his fourteenth birthday, when his father brought him to the city, Seraphrim begged his father to leave the brothel he took him to within twenty minutes. The man isn't a virgin, though he's only had sex with his wife. Asexuality is almost what could define him. That isn't to say he isn't completely interested, it's just very hard for him to become interested. The man finds his duties more important. As a young boy, he showed no interest in girls, just wanted to become a knight one day. If it wasn't for the arranged marriage, he would have never met his wife. Seraphrim has no exclusive sexual attraction towards females or males. If questioned, he simply states he doesn't like anything. In a way, the man is just confused. Sexual attraction had nothing to do with the fact he consummated his marriage, it was just another duty that needed to be fulfilled.

Equipment / Abilities
Holy Weapon: The Daggers of Dawn and Twilight

Magical Abilities:
  • Dust Cloud - The ability to create whirling clouds of dust that can blind opponents.
  • Earth Golem - The ability to create one creature made from earth that acts as a puppet to either fight, protect or act as a messenger. The Golem can fulfill only the first task it is ordered.
  • Levitate Earth - This is the ability to levitate pieces of stone and earth. This can be used to fling at opponents or used as solid bits of land floating midair.
  • Mold Earth - The ability to mold solid rock and earth like clay. It can be used on an area equal to the user's body mass.
  • Ambient Vibration: The user is hyper aware of vibrations in the earth caused by moving objects within a fifty foot diameter, so they almost always know the next move immediately without even having to look.

  • Seraphrim's wife Mallory came from a family who were successful spinners, so she had taught him how to sew so he could mend his own clothing on the road. He's actually quite good at it.
  • Hand to hand combat, sparring was a game for him as a child. 
  • He can function on very little sleep, but he avoids doing so.
  • Seraphrim has always been light on his feet, many cannot match his agility.
  • Interrogation is a skill Seraphrim seems to have a knack for. For a while, the man used dirty tricks to get information out of people. Now, he doesn't use them. At the very least, avoids it.
  • Stealth is something Seraphrim is very good at. In fact, the man ties it into his everyday life. Once, Seraphrim went without speaking for an entire month, just because he could. 
  • Is unable to become empathetic with just about anyone.
  • Sometimes the man thinks too quickly with his actions
  • Can become embarrassed easily, even if it may not show.

Seraphim’s life had started out to be average. His parents had been there, might have been a little strict, though they were still loving parents. Sera’s father was more of the guarded type, more of the type to give his son a handshake then a hug. He was always perfectly fine with that, because that was who his father had been. On Sera's father's side, his family had moved from Rosedese. Seraphrim's mother was the one to do the coddling, embarrassing him to no end with randomly snatching the poor boy up and making him giggle like a maniac. When finally, she would put him down and his cheeks would burn pink, and he’d demand to know why! That she felt the need to do something like that, then she’d just laugh and ruffle his hair, saying how cute he was. As usual in families, his elder sister annoyed him to no end most of the time. A normal childhood.

Nothing outstanding really happened to Seraphrim during his childhood. He was just like any other boy, curious and eager to learn. Seraphrim spent most of his time with a boy his age named Amber. Throughout Seraphrim's lifetime, this boy was the one of the few that Sera could look back on and call him a true friend. There were many people that have came and went, though Amber was the one who held the fondest memories. Even though those memories were in his childhood. After many years, Seraphrim and Amber have lost connection. Often, Sera wonders what kind of man the boy he knew became. Amber was the friend that gave Seraphrim his twelve year name, Claye. Sera in turn had been the one to name Amber as well. What inspired Sera to join the military, and hopefully someday become a Knight was not Amber, though the elder brother of Seraphrim's friend, Julian. He was ten years older than the two boys, though he was often kind to the two when visiting home. He was a proud member of the Red Dawn Army. Often,he would spend time with Sera and Amber, training them minimally on what he was taught while training in the military. Seraphrim was very happy spending time with Julian. It was a mixture of the fact that an older boy was hanging out with him, and what he was teaching him was really cool. For a while, as fickle as young boys can be, he would find himself closer to Julian instead. Mostly it was an innocent infatuation.

Seraphrim's father soon noticed something strange about his only son. His father found it strange that he barely interacted with girls his own age, especially after he turned fourteen. It was the event where Seraphrim begged his father to take him away from the brothel then that the man soon became scared. Sera's father himself had eagerly explored the concept of sex by then. The man suspected that the boy didn't even get close. For a while, the man just decided to wait it out. Maybe he was just a late bloomer. Yet once Seraphrim was of age, the boy just focused on his military career. By this time, Seraphrim was working under Julian in the army. It was the beginning of his career, and Seraphrim didn't feel like he had time for anything else.

Eventually, the fact that Seraphrim hadn't met a girl became a bigger problem to his father. His father asked him why, why didn’t he have a girl for him yet? His own father claimed that he had been not much older then Sera when he met his mother, they got married and had his sister, who by that time had three children. Seraphrim just never thought about it, he claimed. He was more worried about his career in the military. Julian had proved to be a close friend by then, and was even helping him succeed in his career. His father scoffed at that, said that it was a little too strange for a man with no wife and children of his own to take such an interest in a teenage boy like that. The statement his father made angered Seraphrim. To the young man, it made no sense for him to make time for a family right now. Julian himself only seemed to have lovers for short periods of time. Even then, Seraphrim found himself not even having an interest in that. Sera was fine with it.

After that little tiff with his father, Seraphim’s father then proceeded to look for a suitable girl for his son. The man was almost mad in that task, as if he was scared of something.  Seraphim tried to talk with his father, tell him he wasn’t ready, that he still had many years of his youth left to find a wife. He wanted to focus on other things, soon he was going to try and qualify to become an officer. Though his father wouldn’t have it, and he had a friend who was willing to agree to arrange a marriage with his daughter and Seraphrim. Her name was Mallory, pretty blond hair, bright blue eyes. Small form, freckles that danced across her features. She was a very pretty girl, but not really what Sera wanted, it was impossible for him to refuse. The two were married within a month after meeting.

One thing, that confuses Seraphrim to this day, was the fact that he had not shared his first kiss with his wife on his wedding day. His first kiss was on his wedding day, just not with the bride. Julian had been there, pulled him aside and ran his fingers through Sera’s hair. Strangely enough, Seraphrim found that he wasn’t bothered by it. Strangely enough, he didn’t pull away when the man whispered his name, and pulled him into a soul sucking lip lock. His large hands pressing into the sides of his head, tangling into his hair. It made the male’s heart race, his lips tingle, his breath leave him, and his heart ache. They shared that emotionally raw kiss not once, but four times. After it was done, Sera’s eyes had stared up at the older man, wide and stunned, trembling fingers pressed against those tingling and swollen lips. Watched the pain in the elder man’s eyes, and watched as he smiled and left the ceremony. Stunned, the young man went through with it in a stupor, that kiss running over and over in his mind. He wanted to do it again, yet… He was married to Mallory then,  the kiss between him and the girl had been very timid and weak. Definitely did not send his heart hammering. Seraphrim saw little of Julian since then, the man requested a transfer from the post the two shared. Seraphrim's daughter was born not too long after that.

Her name was Celeste.

Don’t ever think that Seraphrim never loved his wife. He truly cared about her, loved her, though it was different. He loved her more like a best friend, and that was really all she was to him. After Celeste was born though, the man found that he was smitten with the little girl. He was so attached to his daughter, she was his world. He spoiled her rotten, and let her do whatever she wanted. Mallory was a bit annoyed by it, though whatever her husband wanted was what she wanted. She loved him, even though his kind of love wasn’t her kind of love. It was adorable anyway, watching the soldier play with their daughter, get all giggly along with her.

For many years, Sera happily served in the military as an officer. He had his daughter, he was successful as an officer in the military, and well liked.  It was truly the highlight of the man’s life.

Yet, not long after this, everything was destroyed.

Things had happened, things that were out of the man's control. First it was a sickness that plagued his wife.  Sera was distraught at the loss of his wife, though, selfishly enough, he was happy that his daughter had not caught the sickness from her mother. Seraphrim believed that everything was going to be okay, even after his wife's untimely death. He was sure of it.

While Seraphrim was away for a while due to his duties in the military, Celeste had stayed at her aunt's house for a while. It was then, before the mourning period of Mallory was even over, more lives were lost. A disorganized group of amateur thieves had decided to target Sera's sister's home. Her husband was a wealthy shopkeeper. The entire family was brutally murdered. There was evidence of rape. When the group had been tracked down and arrested, it was explained that was never the intention. "Things just got out of hand."

It nearly drove Seraphrim mad. He could not accept that his daughter had gone so violently. It plagued his mind, it ran constantly of what it might have been like for her. It hardened the man's heart. While wanting to protect those who could not protect themselves, he couldn't stand most people. Due to the fact of Seraphrim's inability to control his temper, Seraphrim nearly lost his position in the military. It was just very hard for him then, he was agitated easily and disturbed. With his short temper, Seraphrim found himself nearly killing innocent people just because they agitated him. A few not-so-innocent people lost their lives at the man's hand, when the law probably should have taken care of it. Seraphirm had felt that he should have taken matters into his own hands.

The time when Seraphrim had come in contact with the Holy Weapon, it wasn't a dramatic event. Seraphrim and a few men on patrol came across a few smugglers. The men had no clue what they had in their hands, only the fact that it had looked valuable. While being slightly harsher than he probably should have been, something stopped the man from continuing. It had been sudden, and it startled the man. For a few moments, the man could have been sworn that it was his daughter. It struck the man dumbfounded, and his heart ached once that random theory was put out of his mind. There was a box, wrapped in a soft cloth. It wasn't luxurious, just serving a purpose. With curiosity, Seraphrim unwrapped the cloth, opening the box. There lay the dagger of Dawn and the Dagger of Twilight. Instantly, Seraphrim felt the daggers calling out to him. Once his skin touched the handles, a spark lit and Seraphrim felt power. Instantly the feeling that this power shouldn't be abused passed through him. There was a slight calm to him as well. As if things were almost right again, even if he still felt slightly wrong. Seraphrim hadn't really known what exactly he was holding in his hands then. Once Seraphrim learned that he wielded a Holy Weapon, Sera almost wanted to give it up. Something so great couldn't have gone to him. It didn't make any sense. Seraphrim was recognized as a holder of a Holy Weapon, and was admitted into The Red Dawn Watch.

He became a knight, a dream Seraphrim had almost given up on. 

  • Agility 
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Strength
  • Physical Beauty
  • Constitution
  • Intuition
  • Charisma