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Matthew Quinn

Roleplay: "Digimon: Heroes of the New Frontier"

Player: Naristar

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Blues skies and a endless horizon thats all he's ever wanted out of life. Freedom is his loftiest goal, but does he even know what that means?


Nickname: Matty
Height: '6"ft
Build:Thin and agile he's surprisingly stong
Hair: Strawberry Blond
Eyes: Deep Blue
Clothing style: He dresses comfortably
School: St. George's Academy
Location: Ireland
Knows: Willow McCarthy (cousins)


Kinda spacey, Absent minded.
He seems cool and hard to approach to most but really its just him thinking
He does that alot, when you can get him to focus its like a lazer he doesnt stop till his task is done.
He has a wicked sense of humor,

Equipment / Abilities

Crest of Reliability
Meaning: to be someone others can count on to be steadly reliable and honest no matter what the situation!




