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Roleplay: "The Day They Saw the Sun"

Player: MoonKissedFlower

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Strong silent type doesn't even begin to cover it


He keeps his hair cut short, often somewhat sloppy because he does it himself. He has icy blue eyes that seem almost unnatural and stand out agains his sun kissed skin. Life has gifted him with height, he stands at six foot four inches tall. Only twenty years old he is not a stranger to the world and its cruel ways. His body is covered in red tattoos. Signs of a great warrior, he earned them and wears them proudly. But along with the tattoos his body is home to dozens of scars. Most due to every day life, but a few from fighting and battles with rival tribes.


He forsakes a shirt most of the time. It only gets in his way. But he wears hide pants that are pretty tight around the solid muscles of his legs.



Rowen is a rather quiet young man. Not exactly shy, he just doesn't like speaking. A hard worker he'll do almost anything anyone asks of him. With his parents dead he feels like it is his duty to make himself useful to the tribe in whatever way nesacary. He is constantly working and never sits still. He hates feeling useless. He doesn't exactly know how to handle his anger. He gets frustrated with not only himself, but others really easily. He can never explain things well enough. If he is ever caught in a situation he doesn't understand, Rowen would rather fight than ask questions. Things he doesn't know are a threat.


Equipment / Abilities

Rowan is never without his spear, nearly as tall as himself it was a gift from the tribe chief. He thinks of it as his most valued posession.. He also carries around two daggers on his hips which have seen much blood shed. They are often clenched in his scarred fists when he throws punches.when he hunts he uses a bow he made himself.

Rowen's parents were killed when he was just a child. The tribe took pity on him and raised him as a community. As soon as he was old enough, Rowen started doing chores, helping out in whatever way he could. Evenas an adolecent, he constructed and built his own home somewhat removed from the others. He never felt entirly connected. Lacking parents, he had a hard time learning the traditions and customs that the other children were exposed to daily.

Rowen does have a bit of a soft side. He tends to play with the children if he does have a free moment. He does his best to teach them what he knows and help them in ways he wished he would have had a brother to. It's the only time any one has ever caught him smiling.