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Abraham Muggins

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Dr.Beta Earth

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy  

Abraham Muggins, a halfling (demi-human race), adventurer with a sad past now seeks adventure to be renown by his acts of heroism.

Abraham Muggins has long black hair and wears an old clock on his face. His outfit is a tattered suit covered in ash and mud, he also wears a straw hat and a brown trenchcoat. His skin has been stained with ash and is forever pale. His eyes are two different colors, one yellow and the other green but you can only see the yellow because of a hole through the clock, the green eye is unseen.

Abraham is completely insane and is hard to talk to because of this because some times he will jump from one subject to the next and will use fake words a lot but he is kind and daring and will risk his life for others.

Equipment / Abilities
Abraham is skilled in clock-work mechanics meaning he can build many machines with the construction of clocks.

Abraham Muggins, a clock-work mechanic living in melancholy with his wife, Fiona and his baby daughter, Abigail. They lived in a clock tower upon a hill in the middle of nowhere. One day Abraham was working on a clock-bot that he was going to sell to the mafia. Fiona was in the corner softly singing a lullaby to Abigail. Abe was wearing a black waistcoat and a tie and he had his brown hair combed back. A heavy knock was heard at the door so Abe answered it and a lanky, sweaty man stood before him, he was pointing a steam punk fashioned pistol at Abe. "Muggins, the boss wants his clock-bot and he wants it now!" The mobster pushed past Abe and approached the unfinished clock-bot. "Whats this, Muggins!?" Abe cleared his throat, looking for a good response. "Its not yet finished, I just need a little more time." The mobster cocked the gun. "You're time is up, Muggins. The boss'll find a new clock-work maker, a better one than you." He then fired the gun at Fiona and Abigail, the gun released a ball of fire and caught both of them aflame as well as all of Abe's life work. Abe grabbed a hatchet off of the wall and tackled the mobster, they both tumbled to the floor but Abe got to his feet and raised the hatchet above his head and then came down with it, chopping the mobster's head clean off. Abe dropped the hatchet and collapsed to the floor, waiting to be burned alive along with his house but he never did for he was later rescued by a dwarven fire fighter. When the dwarf had found Abraham, he had a clock on his face and his hair was singed to a dark black, his skin was stained by the ash, making him look as white as a ghost and his clothing was covered with ash and blood. The remains of the other bodies were nothing but ash so nobody knows what had happened that day to Abraham Muggins because he never talks about it and he might not even remember because now he is in his own little world.
