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Jacob Einsen

Roleplay: "Dead God -- RESTRUCTURED, NO SLOTS, O/A"

Player: Red_Night448

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A Sniper from the north. Hunted by a past filled with blood and sorrow


Jacob is a sandy-haired, Fair skinned, gruff looking young man with sharpish features and eyes the color of the deep ocean. Many years of mercenary work has given him some scars though none that can be visibly seen unless you get him to take his clothes off which he only does for beautiful woman. At the age of Twenty-seven, he's at the age where he's had enough experience to know what he's doing and the body and energy to put it into action. He stands at about Five-foot Ten-inches and has a lean, muscular figure that has earned the eye of many woman. Though being from the north, he's used to clothing that covers his entire body so he often wears conservative outfits, compromising with the heat by making them light-colored and thin.  

Normally, A man with Jacobs childhood turns out to be one of two things: Quiet and Untrusting, Or Drunk and in denial about it. Jacob's taken a new approach to all of that. He's decided to be a snarky jackass who who starts laughing if someone so much as even mentions his childhood and uses wit to make any situation seem less serious than it is. This way, he can cope with everything he has done, what with being an abused who grew up to be a trained killer and watched his family burn. Sometimes his attitude can get him in trouble and it  doesn't make him very well liked amongst the no-nonsense members of the cult but if there is one thing that gives him joy, it's having a laugh at the expense of others, Despite his sarcastic and unprofessional behavior, He does have his serious points. One is to never, ever blow a job or an opportunity for a job and if you do, shoot yourself in the foot... or somebody else. The other is to never get into his past. Doing that would get you a laugh in the face and his passive-aggressive ire.

Equipment / Abilities
Jacob's reputation as a renowned sniper precedes him even in Seboet. Since he was a child, he has always been skilled at marksmanship be it with the bow and arrow to the rifle and anything in between. He has excellent sight and accuracy which makes him deadly at a distance. He's said to be able to take down an entire squad of mercenaries provided he has enough ammo and a good snipers nest. Although since he has put most of his focus into ranged weapons, he is entirely inefficient when it comes to close combat. That is why he often works in the background, away from the battle. That way, he can pick off anyone that leaves an opening.

He leaves his rifle in the armory since it is too bulky to carry around when not on the job but when he does, it's a force to be reckoned with. Modified heavily to his preference with a scope and an extended magazine, The weapon is semi-automatic and can go miles in range, struggling only to kill the most armored of enemies. He also carries a pistol on his side and a bandolier for holding ammo as a belt. Needless to say, Nick is prepared for any situation that doesn't warrant close combat..

Jacob Einsen was born in Tyrisia in a broken down home to a dysfunctional family. Needless to say his childhood wasn't full of sunshine and flowers. In fact, Where he lived, Sunshine and flowers were practically non-existent with the cloudy skies blocking away the sun and the northern cold killing off most vegetation. Without a doubt, Jacob was to be one of the many poor and destitute children that populated the world. His father, A stinking drunk with not a hint of kindness in his soul, was the theoretical murderer of his childhood. He beat his mother within an inch of her life most of the time and pushed his daughters into prostitution to get him booze money before they were even of age. Jacob was seen as a threat to his fathers position in the family and was sent off to mine ore as a child. By then, any resemblance to a family had been replaced by slavery.

As Jacob grew older and his father became older and weaker, The family was granted a little more freedom. His sisters were still forced to whore themselves to pay taxes and his mother was all but dead inside but Jacob was granted the liberty to hunt for food and trade it. He started out with a bow and found he had a skill for marksmanship. As he grew older, he was able to afford a rifle and quickly became accustomed to it. Eventually, Jacob began to work in more dangerous fields. Apparently people payed well for marksman who had no ties to the military. The man now in his late teens started to take up small time mercenary work. That was when he achieved even greater freedom than before.

By the time Jacob was of age, His fathers liver was failing and he had become to weak to lay a finger on his victims. Jacob took over leadership of the house and his father was confined to his deathbed. By then, there was enough money that his sisters were able to start a decent living, although there chances of finding love or pleasure was all but gone. Unfortunately their mother had fallen ill and died from a lack of will to live by the time this came to pass. There was mourning, but it had no real effect on the family. Life seemed okay for a time. It was hard for them but they made by with what they could. This peace would never last though.

Jacob had garnered a reputation of being a dangerous and efficient mercenary and had made many enemies in his time. Corrupt guards, Savage bandits and gangs, Powerful aristocrats. It was only a matter of time before they retaliated against him. He had made far too much trouble to be ignored. When that happened, all hell broke loose. In less that five minutes of their arrival, assassins had murdered his sisters and set the house ablaze. Jacob was out hunting when it happened and had managed to pick them off from behind with his rifle. However, it was too late. His home was ruined and his sisters were dead. The only solace he took was that his father was burning in the house as well. The now hunted mercenary deemed it necessary to change locations and began a long trek to Seboet, where work was plentiful.

When he first arrived in the city, He had almost no knowledge of the rules or anything about the city for that matter. When he lit a flame, unaware that it was heresy, he was immediately taken into custody. He was to be punished harshly for his heresy but his reputation seemed to have preceded him. He was offered a deal in which he would work for them for a pardon. By then, he had found that the temple payed well for services and protected those that did well. The mercenary saw this as an opportunity and decided to stick with them. As of then, he became a mercenary in the employment of the cult of Loegir.
