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Roleplay: "Elements of Strife- Private"

Player: mad hatters revenge

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Damek was born into the Earth tribe, and like many of his kind has found it easy to melt into society as a bodyguard for hire.


Damek is normally very quiet, seldom finding a reason to speak up unless spoken to, and even then it's not common for them to answer with more than a nod or shake to indicate yes or no. Like many of his tribe members, Damek possess great strength, and uses that to make a way of life for himself outside of his tribe, finding a need to be out in the world exploring all the different elemental environments as he can, avoiding the wind tribe as much as he can. For now, he hires himself out as a bodyguard, traveling from village to village, even tribe to tribe to offer his services to those traveling who may need assistance should bandits or soldiers decide to start trouble. While good with fighting, he finds himself shy when it comes to the opposite sex, women are beautiful creatures, and when seeing the small, delicate ones outside of his tribe, he found it difficult to speak to any without worrying about making a fool of himself. 

Equipment / Abilities
Aside from his armor and elemental abilities, he carries two large swords made of the strongest stone, both are very large, and to anyone else extremely difficult to even lift, but he wields them with ease, and of course has had training in hand to hand combat, but has more success with his weapons than his own fists against opponents who are much smaller and faster than he his.

Damek's life was simple, ordinary, he grew up in the cave system with his family, and puberty was not a very difficult task for him to accomplish, though he was disappointed when no dormant gene made itself known, hoping like all elementals to evolve into the next step and have a larger control over his element. Once his trial was over her spent a few more years at home before deciding to enter the world to make his own way, promising to visit home when possible to share his profits with his family. At 18, he started his personal business of protection, and it took many years before other tribes began trusting him with their own. Now at the age of 23, most tribes know his name as a warrior they can trust to travel with their people, to aid them in any battles that may arise, and keep the locations of the tribes to himself. The fear that he may be captured and tortured to revealing the locations is slim, most knowing the chances of him being captured are minimal, and even if one managed to succeed, it is nearly impossible to hurt and Earth Elemental into revealing secrets, many are simply killed without any attempt to question them. 

His current destination is to the water tribe, hearing word from one of his tribe members that there are many merchants there looking to travel, but many who are afraid of the troubles that could find them, he feels this tribe will promise to give him many jobs in the future, and is one he has yet to visit, and a knew place to visit is something he has always enjoyed, the women of the Water tribe were some of the most beautiful he'd ever seen, and it was difficult for him to charge any for his services, always wishing he could simply watch over them free of charge, but knows he has to think about his survival as well as his families. 


Location: Left shoulder, concealed by armor, can be mostly concealed by a short sleeve shirt.