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Barasa Agunda

Roleplay: "Ardent"

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A renowned Kerrian scholar, recently hired on to aid in search of the Koysqatsi


Not particularly muscular or strong, Barasa has never been all that athletic. He is fairly thin in appearance, and a bit lanky in some areas, much of it the result of forgetting to eat on frequent occasion. He does however maintain some arm strength, though only enough to manage hauling several books around without any huge discomfort. The only remarkably big features he has are his hands, inherited from his father and his lips, from his mother.

Being mostly Kerrian, he is dark-skinned, though not nearly as dark as his siblings, having been more interested in reading as a child than playing outdoors. His hair is dark as well, though obnoxiously curly and thick, a trait, he more of less acquired from his mother. He does little to maintain it however, usually raking it back against his skull, keeping it tied up and out of the way. Much of the same can be said in reference to his shaving habits, forgetting more often than not, and sometimes just not bothering until it becomes a notable hindrance.

His brows are thick, his eyes an amber hue though predominantly hazel. On most occasions, he wears his scholar robes from his academy days though is known to wear lighter garments when the weather calls for it.

He is approximately thirty years of age.


Despite being the independent loner as a child, he is a fairly adaptable man given the cause. He is genuine with his feelings, though finds himself masking them in most situations and prefers peaceful negotiations to aggressive ones. He is all in all a simple man. Though a bit unorganized and scattered...

Equipment / Abilities
Not a man capable of handling much in terms of weaponry, the most he could probably be noted for is smacking people around with heavy books - though only in dire cases.


Born in Castillo, Kerria, twenty years prior to their independence, Barasa was raised under both Kerrian and Tyrisian influence only fortunate to not be claimed for slave labour or drafted as a soldier for the Eastern Tyrisian wars as some of his brothers were in their later years. His family however, his mother being part Tyrisian herself maintained a rather innate interest in both cultures and managed to raise their children well despite the state in which their nation was at the time.

Having been raised as the youngest of five brothers, he was more or less the runt right from the get go, never able to run as fast as the others or take as much physical strain. He was often teased and bullied as a child, eventually finding solace in stories and Kerrian and Tyrisian lore once he'd learned to read from his mother. From then on much of his childhood was conventional, as it could be in those times, and simple. His days spent amongst whatever books he could come across, with the occasional intrusion from his brothers. At one point however, only a year prior to being applicable for one of the local academies, his two eldest brothers were pulled into Tyrisia's forces, sent out East to fight. Peaceful people by nature, his parents and remaining siblings only sought to hope for a safe return, an emptiness seeping his household in a way that made conversation thin and emotions withheld, but the situation never managed to pull him from his books.

If anything, he became more avid in his reading and learning, and in time managed to enter into one of the Tyrisian academies. His first few years had been hard to adjust to, no longer learning completely independent and on his own. He didn't complain however, surrounded by more books than he could have hoped. In his studies, he quickly came to admire his Kerrian culture, further diving into it as deep as he could, despite the Tyrisian overtones in most of the modified records.

Another several year passed by, during which his father passed away and his oldest remaining brother was drafted. At one point he was forced to consider leaving the academy to take care of his mother, however his last remaining brother convinced him otherwise, taking up the job himself as they both knew Barasa couldn't leave his studies behind, even if he wanted to.

It was until three years later that Kerria regained their independence, opening up a whole new set of options for Barasa's studies. At the same time, one of his brother's returned him, aged by scars from the wars but otherwise in one piece apart from an earlobe. It was through him that they learned that one of his brothers had been killed, the other having decided to remain in Tyrisia with intent to remain a soldier.

Things eventually managed to settle down in both his household and Kerria itself, taking a few years to adjust to the freedom and the fading hostility, while their country began to rebuild its status. All the same, his studies continued, acquiring the title of a Scholar for his active profound research and intelligence on Kerrian lore.

Well into the latter of his youth now, he is a defined intelligible man, reknown for his studies and most importantly his research on the Koysqatsi, otherwise known as the Shift Particle. It was for this reason that he became a newly acquired member of the Ardent, hired on to help in the search.
