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Roleplay: "Dead God -- RESTRUCTURED, NO SLOTS, O/A"

Player: Rialla

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A deadly beauty wanted by most and hated by some, the Concubine.


Being of Aun descent, Nyaera is dark-skinned and dark-haired.  It's been five years and at 31 she hasn't lost her touch although not as perfect as she used to be, she is still much more beautiful than most women her age.  Dark and seducing eyes peer out from under long and thick lashes.  And although her skin is marred by soft laugh lines around her eyes, her lips are still as full and soft as ever.  She stands at 5'6", a little bit taller than your average Aun, but she is not your average Aun.  She has managed to stay in shape over the years and still wears tight-fitted clothing that shows off her hard earned curves.

It's been five years after the failed rebellion on the part of The Flame and in general, Nyaera hasn't changed much.  She used to be rich and stingy and she still is if not more so.  She hasn't had any reason to change her ways, the rebellion failed and The Faithful came out victorious.  Except for a few skirmishes every now and again, The Flame has been relatively dead.  She hopes they stay that way.  She enjoys manipulating men and robbing them of their money from under their stupid noses.  She enjoys hoarding her riches and using it only for herself.  She enjoys being cold and just downright not nice.  But really she just enjoys doing whatever she damn well pleases.

Equipment / Abilities
Nyaera isn't really skilled in any kind of weapon.  She usually carries around a dagger she can pull out for self defense or a sneak attack if need be, but in all situations she would prefer to use her beauty and cunning to get her way.  When it comes to men, she can manipulate them however they want as men usually only have one thing on their minds...  She has many connections with the rich, as the rich are really the only one who can afford her.  This is probably why the Oracle recruited one such as herself, that and the fact that she used to be the Priest-King's companion.

When Nyaera was born, she had a different name:  Amma sha’Evala.  She was from a nameless village far to south of Seboet.  Her family was large (she had three brothers and four sisters including herself, she was the eldest) and although life was not full of riches, it was peaceful. . .until her 16th birthday.  Her parents needed money desperately and had no choice to sell her off into slavery.  Nyaera has never forgiven them for that. Never.

Her days as a slave were boring and filled with the usual dribble, and by the time she finally arrived in Seboet she had long since lost her chastity. 

Her most memorable memory was the day the Priest-King chose her.

She had been standing on top of a platform with several other young girls around her age (she was now 18 ) and they were all tied together by their wrists and ankles, all lined up for inspection. It was hot that day, the sun was beating down on all of them. Sweat glistened on her dark skin and she could feel trickles going down her face. Her long hair was sticking to the back of her neck, not helping the situation at all. She squinted out across the crowd, not really paying any attention to anything, her mind was wandering when she suddenly felt the bonds that held her loosen. She watched in surprise as the seller undid her bonds completely. “Who…?” She had asked, her throat so dry she was afraid he hadn't heard her at all. She was relieved when he replied with a point of his finger. Her eyes followed his arm to a man sitting atop a large horse, dressed in the most splendid of clothing. He was obviously of high rank but she didn’t realize just how high until she reached the place that would be her home for many years. That same night she ceased to be Amma. The Priest-King gave me a new life, a new name: Nyaera.

Being a mistress wasn't really terrible at all, she had servants to wait on her hand and foot not to mention the delicious food that was served.  It was no secret that Nyaera was the Priest-King's favorite out of all his mistresses and even the Queen.  It's no wonder that after a few years of her luxurious life, the Queen finally got fed up with her and threw her out on the accusation that she was a spy for the Flame.  Not true of course, but jealousy can make people do crazy things.

More time passed and Nyaera only grew to be more beautiful.  She was at her peak during the rebellion of the Flame (which ended up a failure) and five years later she was still no slouch.  She still had her killer body and even though her face wasn't as perfect she was still popular with the clients.  Her experience made her very desirable.
