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Cain Nakim

Roleplay: "Ardent"

Player: Kolloposa

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Are we crashing? Then no, I don't have a shift at the helm. Inevitably, the newbies are going to crash the ship and I, as the only pilot capable of getting us out of such a mess, would like to be well rested."



Cain is a man who would only be noticed if people happened to wonder how a bum managed to afford nice clothing. His hair is disorganized at best, managing to point in every which direction even when wet. His face only meets a razor if his facial hair starts sticking itself in his meals. His stance is straight from military service and a good deal higher than most others around him. His physique hasn't abandoned him to middle age, leaving him fully capable of heavy-lifting and extensive labor he'll never actually do. Most notably though are the callouses on his palms and the scars on his body, all bearing the tell-tale signs of a long, hard life on board airships. Little do the lucky vixens know but many of those scars are from his own colleagues. Primarily sneaky, little priss elves or demonic, fire-headed doctors who get their panties in a bunch at even the slightest mention about the gigantic tree shoved up their asses branded with the phrase "Pilot of the Ardent."

His style only borders on clean. Wrinkles permeate every fabric that ever touches his skin. Vests are buttoned only when the weather demands it so. Collars rarely fall the same on both sides. His leather gloves are various shades of fading brown, well worn in the palms and close to developing holes on the fingers. His boots are scuffed and look about ready to disintegrate into nothingness had they not a profound stubbornness in the things they can do and pride in the things they've survived, much like their owner. ; His vests are well-worn, some bearing holes, tears, and loose threads from the abuse he regularly sustains from crew mates who abhor him. In the front pocket, hooked to a button hole and kept close eye on, is his compass. It once had a special place in his pants pocket on the left side, the lucky side, but has since been moved closer to his heart. What took it's place? A prototype lighter designed by a man who was sore losing it after a rousing card game.


Cain's personality encompasses all that is crude, lazy, and selfish.

That's pretty much all people care to figure out before leaving.

Equipment / Abilities

Cain's skills revolve around airships, especially piloting them. It's been his profession for as long as he can remember and shapes a large part of who he is. Cain is one of, if not the best airship pilot that exists. His methods, however, don't get him hired for more public projects. With each ship he pilots, Cain flies with an understanding of the ship unparalleled by most others. He makes a habit of understanding every aspect of the mechanics that go into the design of the ship as a whole. The flaws and weaknesses in the hull. The limits of the engines. The precision of turns and the timing of deceleration. All of this knowledge goes into the protection of the ship and crew in only the strangest and most life-threatening situations.

To summarize, Cain's a good crash pilot.

Beyond this, Cain is a capable navigator. He prides himself on a spot-on, internal compass that works on memory and the recognition of old scenery. He can read and understand maps of almost any age. For back-up, he almost never parts with his prized possession, a compass that he received at an indeterminate time and date. Don't question it.

