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Maeyern Helstrom

Roleplay: "Dystopian City - Private"

Player: Nyan Cat

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Gang Leader, Male, 32, Bisexual


Maeyern Helstrom - Gang Leader - Male - 32 - Bisexual

An extremely territorial leader who rules a specific network of alleyways that tend to get the most drug traffic. Every now and then he shifts his territory slightly, if only out of boredom. He doesn't hide the fact that he's a sadist, particularly enjoying the breaking down of strong opposers. He has a bit of a short temper and is the type to get extremely jealous quite easily.

Maeyern is very reluctant when it comes to talking about his family, specifically his brother.

Equipment / Abilities

According to Maeyern, he grew up on the outskirts of the City in a nomadic fashion with his family. They were often on the brink of starvation, but despite that his brother managed to establish a network of contacts. When the family hit rough patches, the brother would ask a favour of a contact.

Maeyern learned from his example, only was more daring in his efforts, and apparantly nearly met with his death on multiple occassions. He claims one of the only reasons he didn't end up face-down in a gutter somewere was because of Myka. He became an apprentice to an important drug lord, and eventually overthrew and killed him to take his place. "And things went from there."

He is current in a semi-secret relationship with Sova Morgan.
