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Adam Kaede

Roleplay: "Personal Character Pool"

Player: vickiazn

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Name: Adam Foster Kaede
Age: 15 years old
Sexuality: bi-curious (leaning towards gay)
Grade: 9th

Eye Color: Jade
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 141 lb.

Likes: sweets, art, music, drawing, playing the violin and piano, people with an interest for art and music
Dislikes: ignorant people, revealing his sexuality, unappreciative people, playing sports, taking things without earning it


The Good:

  • creative
  • hard-working
  • devoted
  • caring
  • kind
  • open-minded
  • quiet
  • expressive

He is a very kind and caring person towards others even if he doesn't show it often. He doesn't judge others and feels that having an open mind towards everyone could help him earn their trust. With his creative mind set, he managed to teach himself to play both the piano and the violin. His artistic skills came naturally and helped him express himself. He isn't the type to speak often and chooses to stay quiet unless spoken to.

The Bad:

  • passive
  • quiet
  • inactive
  • has a bit of an temper
  • workaholic

When they say he has a bit of an temper, they weren't lying. When it involves art and music, he will be the first one to smack you down if you make any snide comments. The fact that he's quiet could also be a bad thing because he eventually grew that to himself and doesn't speak often. He has a passive side that just lets others step all over him and might eventually cause him trauma. When he works, he tends to work a LOT.

Equipment / Abilities


  • a black messenger bag with paint splatters
  • textbook for class
  • notebooks
  • sketchbook
  • clay eraser
  • about five pre-sharpened drawing pencils
  • one mechanical pencil

Host Club:

  • paint brushes
  • canvases
  • easel
  • sketchbook
  • drawing pencils
  • piano
  • violin
  • iPod


  • paint brushes
  • canvases
  • easel
  • sketchbook
  • drawing pencils
  • piano
  • violin
  • iPod


  • sketchbook
  • drawing pencils
  • violin
  • iPod

Notice a strange pattern somewhere? Anyway, he can play the piano and violin. As he does so, he can combine and mix melodies in order to make a different kind of sound. Basically, he can make music. Unlike playing the piano or the violin, which he had to learn, he can draw and paint. It comes naturally to him, as if it were imprinted in his DNA. He is a decent student when it come to terms in studying, but not the best.

Adam is not your typical spoiled rich kid. Being half Japanese and half British, he feels like an outsider to both worlds. He's not even spoiled because his parents are always out, never even raising him or caring for him. Even if they were home, they wouldn't heed him too much mind. Of course he felt lonely because he didn't know his parents even though they technically lived under the same roof. His uncle, of course, pitied him and tried to find a way to where he could keep Adam close. Being raised by his butlers, in exception to his uncle, he was taught differently. He never spoke unless permitted to. When his uncle finally got permission for him to go to a famous academy he works under for free, Adam declined. He never took anything unless he earned it, so, for a year, he practiced his natural ability to paint and draw. Then, he took in piano and the violin a bit later. With his combined abilities, and adequate grades, he managed to get a fine arts scholarship to Colville Academy. Once there, he heard of the famous Host Club and found an interest in it. He applied, hoping for a chance to be able to improve his social skills. But, he wasn't excepted due to his lack of sociability. He thought of giving up, but continued to improve his skills. During music class, he would catch the ears of those who could hear him play. While in art class, he caught the eyes of those who noticed him. Eventually, he started to capture the hearts of females, and the occasional male, around him. He even started getting flocked by crowds of student, which forced him out of his comfort zone and caused him to talk. Finally, he managed to catch the attention of the Host Club and was accepted before entering his 9th year. (Regarding his sexuality, he just finds men and women equally attractive, but he likes men more. . .)

Appeal: Quiet and Passive Bi-Shounen
Time in Host Club: About to start his first year in it