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Shayla Aithne Vortigren

Roleplay: "The Interdimensional School of Knowledge"

Player: Tigerkytti

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Princess of a Fae kingdom she was sent with her twin brother to the ISK by their parents to learn all that they can



Equipment / Abilities

Shayla Aithne Vortigren
Princess of Ruby Kingdom
Twin Sister of Keegan
~I Think Keegan Is Just Scared Of This Place...~
~Sure We Came To Know Of It Only Shortly...~
~But I Doubt That It'll Be All That Bad!~
~We'll Get To Make New Friends Even!~


Name: Shayla Aithne Vortigren

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Shay

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthdate: July 2, 1990

Birthplace: Ruby Palace, Fae Dimension

Race: Fae

Nationality: Ruby

Languages Spoken: Fae, English

Current Residence: Dorms of the I.S.K.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Red

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 95 lbs.

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc): Piercings in both ears

Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Disability: Very trusting and just spoiled.

Allergies: Ice- will break out into a very itchy rash if touched with ice.

Blood Type: Magic

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: None atm

Family: Mother and Father, Keegan (twin brother)

Class(es)/Occupation(s): Student at the I.S.K., and Princess of Ruby Palace

Abilities: Control of fire, magical adeptness, illusions, charm, swordplay skills, skilled fighter.

Weapons: Uses magic over weapons, though does have hidden daggers.

Other Important Items/Equipment: Practically anything she owns, considers her property as valuable and will become angry if people even try to steal/break/destroy anything of hers. She especially treasures the pendant that she wears about her neck, given to her by her mother and enhances her magic.


On the afternoon of July 2nd two voices rose as one as they came into the world, coming from a pair of twin babies, the children of the King and Queen of Ruby Palace. Beautiful children, they clung to each other even at such a young age, they would bond to their parents immediately when given to them. The king and queen would name the boy Keegan, and the girl Shayla. Of course this was a cause for great celebration and their birth heralded great happiness for the royal fae now had heirs to the throne. As was tradition, their birthday became a holiday in the Ruby Kingdom.

Of course the pair were spoiled while being brought up, being told they deserved royal treatment and every single thing they could ever want. This had the effect of spoiling them, however their natural personalities aren't overruled by this. Arrogant at times, they are both kind as well, never treating anyone poorly.

They were both trained in several different types of weapon usage and magic usage, becoming skilled in defending themselves. Of course they also had to go through a lot of schooling in order to learn how to lead the kingdom when they came of age, and in case there was ever war. Plus many many other subjects to make them well rounded.

Growing up together they were very close since a young age, and grew closer over the years due to the fact that they rarely had any other time to play with others of their age. This has led them to of course being protective of each other.

Keegan is known for an explosive temper, especially when it comes to anything hurting his twin sister, and he can easily become violent. However, he never compromises his honor due to his temper. Shayla is more on the meek side, while still being outgoing. Happy to meet people and get to know them she really only let's her brother close, keeping any other friends a a distance. It is very hard to anger Shayla, but the easiest way is to threaten her brother as well. If you raise her ire, be prepared for a royal tantrum that could lead to serious injuries.

Starting this school year they have enrolled in the Interdimensional School of Knowledge, since the fae world has found it's dimension, because their parents figure that it would be the best place for them to continue their learning and get used to dealing with people of all different personalities and types. Keegan is not as happy about this as Shayla is, but they're both doing as their parents wish.
