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Xion the Blue Dragon

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Martel Irasia

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Fan-based  

"You believe you are strong. But you have yet to face me..."

Name: Xion Orenti
Age: 22
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Light Green
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Occupation: Roaming Warrior
Weapon Style: Chinese Blade
Weapon Name: Water Dancer
Renown: She is known as the Blue Dragon

Xion is normally a very calm individual, who rarely loses her cool. However, whenever people being to mention that she doesn't belong on the battlefield, she tends to lose her temper. She hates it when people underestimate her and treat her differently just because she is a woman. The way she sees it, she is just as skilled as any other warrior, but she's smarter in battle than others. She also tends to freeze and become unusually distant when people start asking about her family. Because of this and her distrust of others, people view her as being standoffish and keep away from her in return.

If anyone cared enough to get to know her better, though, they would find that she is a very caring and kind person. She has a motherly/sisterly instinct when it comes to young children, especially those who are poor and can't manage to care for themselves. Xion has been known to reach out and help others, even to the detriment of her own well-being. As for friends, when she comes to count someone as a friend, or as someone she can trust, she will remain loyal to them, no matter what. Even going so far as to protect and defend them after they've been accused of wrong-doing.

In battle, she is fierce and determined to win at all times, a stubborn trait she inherited from her father. If she is defeated in battle, she takes it as a personal loss and beats herself up about it afterward. Even though she's not very physically strong, she is quick and smart, and that often makes up for her lack of strength. Whenever she is defeated and captured in a battle, she withdraws into herself to avoid interrogation.

She often has a hard time making friends due to her temper.

Equipment / Abilities

Xion carries her father's blade with her everywhere she goes. She never lets it out of her sight, and although it seems so obviously important to her, she never draws the blade in battle. Instead, she carries a separate sword that she had commissioned just for herself. The blade is fairly lightweight in comparison with most other blades. She has named it Water Dancer, partly because of the swift, flowing combat style she uses, and also partly because her father used to fondly call her a 'water dancer'.
She also carries a simple dagger for close-range combat just in case.


Xion possesses a rather uncanny ability to sense danger when in battle, thus allowing her to avoid most fatal attacks. This can be both a blessing and a curse, though, as it tends to prevent her from dying in battle and instead getting her captured.
Other than that, she is simply very light on her feet so she is good at avoiding damage.


Xion has one special power/technique that she can use in battle. She can really only use this ability as a trap, but it is useful for confusing her enemies. Her special power creates a field of energy where water is drawn from under the ground to create floating bubbles. They sit in the air waiting for someone to come near them. Once an enemy is close enough, the bubbles burst and a rush of energy sweeps across the field, disorienting all enemies within the area.

Xion was born into a rather non-descript middle class family. She was the youngest child out of three, and she was the only girl. Although her father didn't treat her the same way because she was a son, he still cherished her. As such, she developed a close bond with him. She never really became close to her two brothers. She often felt left out when watching her brothers train and learn the art of sword fighting from their father. Never interested in learning how to run a household as a woman was expected to do, Xion shunned her mother. Secretly she would sneak out of the house at night and train with tree branches, copying the moves her brothers had begun to learn the very same day.

Eventually, after Xion turned thirteen, her father and brothers went off to war. An enemy army had begun their invasion into their homeland, and they had been called to help aid in the defense. Several months passed before news came that her father and brothers had all been killed in the siege. Xion was devastated and isolated herself in her room for several weeks before coming to a decision. She would set out and find her own way. Xion took her father's sword from the wall where her mother had hung it, and went out into the night, leaving her mother behind.

With a little bit of luck, she found a place to stay, and even found a master to teach her the art of sword play. She learned secretly, though, apart from the other male students. The man who taught her, however, could see her potential and treated her equally as the other male students. Eventually she mastered her training and began her true journey. She had a sword commissioned just for her and started working as a mercenary to help villagers with their problems. During her travels, many people mistreated her for being a female warrior, that is until she found her place among a band of Outcast Rebels who mostly use their numbers and strength to plague territories ruled by tyrants.

Throughout all her years as a warrior, Xion has made it a point to try and hide her family history. She doesn't want anyone to know who her father was. She also doesn't want anyone to know about her mother who may or may not still be alive after all the years she's been away from home.