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Ume Hamasaki

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: Xavirne

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My Name is Umeko “Ume” Hamasaki, and I am 15 years old.  Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Freshman in high school who's also a member of the Mystery Club, which is an important role within this story. My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, I’m really not picky, which may come into play as things unfold. When blessed by magic, I was given the gift of wind/air. There is something else you should know about me, I have dark chocolate eyes (though I do wear contacts a lot) and my hair is naturally a deep, earthy brown.  Right now, I have it fading to blonde as it stretches down my back.  I also stand a wooping…prepare yourself... 4-foot, 8-inches.


Konnichiwa!  I’m Ume.  I’m probably the cutest, sweetest, little doll you’ll ever meet.  PSH!  Yeah right, I’m sure there are people cuter than me.  I do try to be cute though!  I love pastels and pretty things.  Oh!  Look, a butterfly.  How pretty.  Lemme take a selfie with… hey, butterfly!  Come back!  I’m not… oh.

As you’re probably noticing, Ume is… well, Ume.  She’s an airhead, always forgetting things.  She’s also clumsy, constantly tripping over herself or things.  Thankfully, she’s as cute as a button and super humble!  She might seem a bit cocky, but she’s really just a sweetheart.  If you say she’s pretty, she’ll tell you that you’re gorgeous.  She always tries to make everyone else feel more important than her.

Breaking the stereotype, Ume is no genius.  In fact, her grades are rather lackluster.  She’s lucky if she can get Bs.  Still, everyone loves her because she really gives it her all.  She doesn’t mean to hurt anyone.  She really just wants to be your friend.

She’s easily frightened and quick to take your word (aka: gullible as fuck).  She’s not the most talented person, but she does know how to sew and bake sweets.  She also remembers all the little details.  Like if your grandma was sick 4 months ago, she’ll ask how the follow up appointment went yesterday.  She just knows things… which is odd since she can’t remember the main characters in Romeo and Juliet.

Equipment / Abilities

Aerokinesis.  That's my power.  It's the ability to manipulate air.  I can create, shape, and control air/wind.  Hurricanes, tempests, gentle breezes, I can play with them all.  But I can also mess with the atmosphere.  If needed, I can create a vacuum--much like space--and cause those within that radius to suffer.  Let’s not forget explosions!

I can also bend the air out of your lungs.  It's a terribly scary power and I will never use it unless someone's life is on the line.  My attacks are always invisible, making them hard to dodge.  But, that also means that they are hard to control. You have any idea how hard it is to control something you can’t see?!

Anyway, I can walk on air and I can fly.  Or rather, I can glide on the wind.  Since air is invisible, I look like I'm using telekinesis.  I'm not.  I don't have psychic powers.  I just have wind.  My hearing is also amplified as if my touch.  I can sense motion.  I can hear a heartbeat.  I can also sense storms and weather changes.  I know when we’re about to get rain or a nasty thunderstorm.

And as gross as it may sound, wind can cause death.  Ever remove the air from something?  It dies.  I can cause deoxygenation and rot/rust.



Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of "La Da Dee" for all eternity.