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Roleplay: "Breton and Bosmer"

Player: inkyblacknight

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A capable and kind, but naive Bosmer, followed closely by her companion, a wolf by the name of Malakai.

Brown skin
Average build
Approx. 125 lbs.
Warm brown hair, wavy
Golden eyes

Slightly prone to anxiety

Equipment / Abilities
Wears fur armor
Carries very little gold
Uses a simple steel mace and an elven dagger
In her travel pack she carries:
-Sleeping fur
-Whet stone
-Dried meat

Galuthel, barely even an adult, was driven from her home. She lived her entire life in one place- a compound built in Blacklight, Morrowind, having only left the confines of its borders only once, never venturing far from home. She was surrounded by pseudo-family, people unrelated by blood, but tied to her through religion, all of them members of a cult in worship to the Daedric Princes, Molag Bal and Azura. Everything and everyone was killed by followers of Boetheiah- except Galuthel and her beloved Malakai. The pair fled from Morrowind to Skyrim, looking to start a new life and, if the stars align just right, avenge her family and please her gods. 
