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Alexander Falco

Roleplay: "A ● LIVE"

Player: Pacifist Crush

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Generally co-operative, open-hearted, and down-to-earth to the point of being dry. A confident speaker with good intentions, but a bit of an ego problem. Though aloof and laid back, Alex can easily succumb to loneliness, and treasures time spent with friends more than anything else in the world. He bottles up his emotions and his temper can often gets him into trouble if he happens to snap. Holding a grudge isn't something he often does, and after he'd let off some steam he is content to leave things in the past. Can be somewhat overbearing at times, but can be quite stubborn about certain things.

Equipment / Abilities
Drives a beat-up 1989 Toyota Van with a little under two hundred thousand miles.
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Alexander Falco, A nobody with an interesting name, but otherwise somewhat unremarkable. Raised by middle class parents who tried to ingrain into him that the only way to get anything in life is to work hard. Even as they worked their hardest to keep afloat and comfortable, their lessons only taught him to success meant stress. During middle school, his uncle died in an accident at work. His father's brother was always said to be one of the hardest working men in the family, but he'd never married and hadn't even had a significant other when he passed away. The sadness of a lost family member clouded the grim realization that even if those who succeed had worked hard, these who gave it their all sometimes still wound up empty handed. Alex's take on life had changed, he started doing worse in school and began to isolate himself from others. Lethargic and completely unmotivated, he quickly learned the oppression of silence and solitude. The muffled sounds of his parents' late night arguments became something of a lullaby until they divorced less than a year later.

To help his mother support their household, he began to work a paper route. It was something to do, little more than routine. Even school had become a business of doing well enough that he could say he tried his best and fly under the radar. Putting as little effort as possible while still staying in the green, good was too much of a hassle, good enough was plenty. Coasting through high school, in no time at all he found himself surrounded by a table full of people who hated being at school. Finding a kinship among them, he found himself listening more than he did talking. One mop-headed individual tended to stand out the most, always carrying a guitar on him and playing whenever he got the chance. Though it had gotten confiscated by the teachers almost constantly, the whole ordeal made music a constant topic among the small band of misfits. The anger of punk rock resonated within Alex's soul, a dash of color in his dreary life. 

Still, he had to help support his mother, at least until he graduated high school. It was a far off goal, the end of school forever. Try as his parents may have, making every effort to convince him to aim for college, Alex wanted to escape. The monotony, of being a cog in the machine at school and work was exhausting. Kicked out of the house for giving up on higher education, his mother moving back in with his grandparents, he was forced to find a place on his own. During high school, he'd moved on from a paper route to working at a grocery store, and had managed to put away enough money to get a car and split an apartment with a couple of roommates. Making just enough to live off of was fine for a little over a year, but he never had the money to do anything for himself. Steeping out of the nightmare that was food service, he began to work as a bank teller. The initial investment into more formal clothes had been a pain, but he was making more than twice as much money, enough to get comfortable once again. Still, the tedium of work had begun to wear down on his sanity once again, and he needed a new outlet. Most of his friends had moved away or gotten themselves real careers, and he was alone once more.

Alex was a choir boy when he was younger, but stopped going after the family began to lose religious faith following his uncle's death.