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Roleplay: "[ Code Crawlers ]"

Player: TerraBooma

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A pixi player with a good heart

Name: Erik Porasi
Hero Name: Sting
Class: Twin Blade
Subclass: Huntsman
Subclass Level: 56
Race: Pixi
Character Level: 65
Guild (If none, leave blank): N.A
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Wing Colour: Red
Date of birth: March 25th, 1994
Body Type: Slim
Height: 6'1


Warmhearted: Erik is a person who'll do whatever he can to help out. He's going to try and have your back, even when he's way out of his depth. When it comes down to it you can trust him with secrets, rely on him, or even vent to him. He doesn't really mind, the kind of person who is friendly to all, and defends them no matter the circumstance.


Eager: Besides being kind, Erik's always the first one of volunteer. He's always down to try something new and there's very few people who can actually discourage him once he sets his mind on someone (Or something.)



Stubborn: On the other hand, Erik's got a pretty big flaw (Or perk, depending on how you see it.) Once Erik's decided he's going to help you, it's going to take more then a tap on the shoulder to discourage him from his action or choice. While this normally is fine, he sometimes gets on the wrong side of things defending his friends, he's also pretty easy to betray if you get him to trust you.






Equipment / Abilities

Dire Wolf Teeth: A rare drop form a wolf boss mob, applies a bleeding effect to targets, but has the cost of lower damage then other daggers of the level. More damage over time, but smaller burst


Cloak: While seemingly normal, Erik knows it has to have some sort of import as it came from an Area boss. Everyone else passed it up, but he decided to hang onto it.


Gauntlet of flame. A gauntlet with a small fire gem attached to the middle, it's got a few charges that let it throw a weak fireball, more for utility then damage.



Nothing else of note, between being a pixie and being a twin blade, Sting doesn't have a lot of defenses to go around.




Sting's playstyle has always been more of a loner, he preferred not to join a guild, and he never did much PvP action either. While he was a friendly player, he mostly kept to himself.



In the real world, Erik echoes Sting's calm and determined demeanor. He's friendly, and loyal, but he mostly keeps to himself when it comes to big things like parties or guilds. With the sudden transfer into the game, he knows he needs to break those personal guards and make more friends. There's just no chance he can survive on his own.


Pic is up! (Taken from the internet cause you know, I can't art.)