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Zadist Buchanon

Roleplay: "[NSFW] Insatiable"

Player: Fluttershy

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A vampire and close friend of Damon.

Zadist stands at five eight, and is rather lean and sinewy.  His hair is white, hanging down to his chin.  It tends to cover most of his face, and he rarely pushes it out of his way unless he is feeding or actually wants to pay attention to something.  When his hair is pushed back, his left eye is a startling blue, almost as light as ice.  His right eye is a deep, dark brown.

Morbid and quiet.  Zadist loves the ladies, and enjoys feeding from them when he can taste their fear.  He tend to be rather rough and callous.  As such, he is no longer welcome at many of the nightclubs frequented by vampires.  Due to his exotic appearance, however, it usually isn't a problem to find some food.

Equipment / Abilities
The Buchanon family runs a drug ring for vampires, capturing female, pumping them full of drugs, and letting vampires feed on them to experience the drugs.  As such, Zadist rarely needs money.  He does, however, end up running into trouble quiet often.  Some speculate whether or not he looks for trouble, as troubled as the kid is.  Zadist typically delivers for his family, though it puts him in danger, he finds it exciting.  He is trained in Judo, and practices often.

Zadist lost a human female he had been protecting years ago.  He was much more level headed before this happened, as such, many people think various things happened between the two of them, even speculated that he may have lost his Chalice.  Since the vampire rarely feeds until the Thirst is upon him, it would seem to fit.

While it's known that the Buchanon Family are big drug dealers, Zadist does not speak of it.  The only person he will actually talk about it to is Damon.

Zadist loves the guitar, and taught himself how to play.  He's not very good, but he thinks he is amazing.

Theme Song:  What Do You Want From Me