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Antonio Badlen

Roleplay: "Hopeless Objective of a Romantic"

Player: Pygmy

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The poor Human boy who has nothing left for him but his dog.

Anton has brown hair, often messy and shines a sort of caramel brown. His eyes are a shade of honey to hershey kisses brown. He always wears glasses and he likes to wear a lavender hoodie with jeans and sneakers. He's about 6'2" and he's got long legs.

He is fairly smart, but feels he's got nothing going for him. He wants romance in his life, but has gone so long without it before his first and only girlfriend that he's pretty much is done with trying. He finds small happiness from his dog who often cuddles and motivates him to work and take care of her. He doesn't care what gender his lover is and is often described as 'boring.' He isn't a pushover and stands up for himself when he needs to, as of now he is on the borders of being depressed. He doesn't talk about his personal life much and doesn't have too many friends as he also is described as a annoyingly talkative person.

Equipment / Abilities
He can paint, fight and get jobs easily.

He had a younger brother in Highschool, his parents are about 50 years of age and he didn't have much exciting things happen in his life. He has tried countless times before to get a girlfriend as his parents wants to, but has had a thing with guys as well. Although the community labeled him as a boring person he is also known for cooking fairly well. He hasn't gained any experience with any other beings that aren't human and animals.
