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Shizumeru Kaze

Roleplay: "Sinz Oasis"

Player: Sinz Kitten

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Shizumeru is exactly as his name states, he is very calm and stealth as wind


Age- 25
Height- 6'7
Weight/body type- 190 lean
Eye Color- Crystal Blue
Hair color- off white/ very light blonde
Markings/Tattoos/birthmarks- he has a slash under the left side of his jaw that you don't normally notice because it fallows his chin but you can see it is he raises his head. Also has a melting heart shaped birth mark on the inside of his right palm

he has an irrily calm sense about him and can read people very very well, almost to the point that it seems he reads their minds.

Equipment / Abilities
has a gun that fires silver coated bullets that have been dipped in pure holy water. Also carries a blessed knife and several viles of holy water on him at all times.

