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Renner Casanova

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: Xavirne

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THE HAWK -- caw caw muthafucka

image by Feimo @ Zerochan || edit by Xavirne || profile skeleton by sweetsunnyrain for Burn in ❖ Heaven

Renner Casanova

Just turning twenty not too long ago, Renner has already engaged in many of the social activities that religious do-gooders would frown upon.  But such is the case when you're a rather attractive youngster with a bad boy vibe.  Ever since he was in Pre-K, Renner had a flock of girls asking him out.  He developed a rather cocky attitude at the ripe young age of three.  Why, he even used to prance around saying, "I'm so cool."  But I digress...

Renner is fully grown at five-eleven-and-a-half, making him just shy of the six-foot mark.  He has a pretty average looking build, save for his legs and ass, which are sculpted to perfection after many years of playing soccer.  Renner's been working on an eight-pack but hasn't quite mastered that flawless abs yet.  Perhaps it has something to do with eating a cheeseburger from Five Guys at least twice a week.  He also has this bad habit of ordering Chinese food and pizza at least once a week too.  Ah, got to love those Americans and their fast food.

The blonde has blue eyes and a smile that was fixed thanks to braces and orthopedic corrective jaw surgery.  He broke his nose once too and had that mended just months before his jaw operation.  There's a pin in his left wrist too.  That pin has nothing (I mean everything) to do with a bet that he couldn't put his fist through a wall.  Good news, he could!  Bad news, he and his brother were grounded for three months because of that stunt.

From time to time he sports some facial hair but doesn't let it grow to long as "it itches."  He has his cartilage pierced on his right ear (he has a cuff).  His left lobe also has two small hoops. The male has a tattoo of a hawk on his left shoulder.  He also has a tribal looking tattoo trailing down his right arm.

As far as his attire goes, Renner likes to show off his tats so he's almost always wearing a muscle shirt.  If he's not, he's sporting a slim-fitting tee that really brings out his figure.  The guy is always wearing jeans and often has a chain or two hanging from the pockets.  Renner also wears a pair of dog tags that belonged to his grandfather and he also wears a leather bracelet that his brother gave him.

It's just that stereotype that all bad boys get.  They are downright sexy and they are charming as hell.  They can talk the talk and walk the walk.  It's just so... dreamy~!

He's one of those guys that will show up at your house announced.  He's also the first to plan something without your consent.  Don't take it too personally though.  The guy usually means well.  It's really not his fault he sometimes people live their own lives....

Always wanting to include everyone in his fun, Renner is the first to overstep boundaries and invite someone to play.  He is all about the group having fun.  He's the first to take one for the team and he's always looking to rope more people in.  He thrives in crowds and around people.  He just likes to see everyone enjoying themselves.  One isn't enough for him.  He needs at least three or he'll get bored.  Another thing about Renner is that the team can always count on him.  If he makes the group a promise, he'll pull through.  The team is family to him.

It's hard to remember the world doesn't revolve around Renner.  Sometimes he forgets that people have plans and lives that don't always include him.  He's also really bad at remembering and keeping promises.  Don't take it personally, he doesn't mean to forget about you... or your anniversary.

Trouble is his middle name.  Or at least it should be!  This boy is quite the troublemaker.  He talks at the wrong time and sometimes he tells you too much.  He's an honest guy (sometimes) and he doesn't always realize that too much can be bad at times.  He also enjoys pranking people and being extremely flamboyant in class.  He just loves to yank chains and be the center of attention.

Seriously, this guy has a bit ego.  He doesn't even believe it when people call him a douchebag as he says, "If I were a 'douchebag' as you so claim, I wouldn't have as many friends as I do.  Douchebags and friends don't mix.  I have friends.  Therefore, I'm not a douche."  He's a cocky SoB in case you couldn't tell!

Equipment / Abilities
Renner is a member of the shapeshifting sect, only his speciality is a bit more unique.  Most have the ability to shift into creatures.  Renner?  He has the ability to transform his arms.  This is a rather useful ability to have because he can shift his arm from just a simple arm into a mighty shield.  If he's rolling into the heat of a battle, his arm can become his mighty sword.

Renner has trained himself to turn his right arm into the following items
For the Battlefield:  Shield, blade, claws and a whip
For Other Operations:  Pliers, hammer and a hook

As one might expect, Renner has also become an expert lock-pick.  It probably helps that he can transform his arm into a key or a bobby-pin tip.  Other more "normal" talents would be that he has really nice hand-writing.  Renner is also a really good soccer player and excellent runner; neither of which are influenced by magic or spells.

Every man has a weakness and Renner's weakness is his asthma.  He needs to have his inhaler on him at all times as he's been known to have wheezing attacks just walking to class.  The works out frequently to combat the asthma but it only does so much for him.  Before any practice or game, he needs to take two puffs from his inhaler.  If he exerts too much energy, he'll need to rely on it again after the game.

Another issue with body manipulation is the fact that he can't use it that often, especially in a short period of time.  When his arm get used to being in a set shape, it tends to stay that way for 24-hours.  As you can imagine, it makes taking a test hard if your good hand, your right hand, is currently in the shape of a giant blade.  And it's not like Renner can just flip arms.  ONLY his right arm can transform.  This is problematic for if he injures his right hand he's freaking useless.  Remember that wall-punching incident?  Yeah, if he pulls a stunt like that again, he'll never be able to use his right wrist again.  Meaning, no more powers.  So if you ever want to KO him from a fight, try to break his arm.  It's a dick move but it's the quickest way to remove the guy from play.

While on the topic of limitations, Renner lacks a plan.  He'll charge into things head first without even considering the consequences.  He's reckless in that sense and it's cost him dearly in the past.  You would think he would learn, but he's too cool for that.  He's a bit of a thick-headed idiot that does stupid stunts.  If anything, he would be the first guy to get killed.  Or worse, he would cause someone else to get killed by not focusing and buckling down.  He's a threat to himself and everyone around him.

Where should we even start with Renner?  Well, as previously mentioned, he's always been a devious guy with an irritable charm that the ladies can't help but swoon over.  It probably helps that his dad's a politician so he picked up his pop's silver-tongue like it was nothing.  His mom, on the other hand, is a world-famous author.  She wrote a trilogy about some kids who were lost on an island and had to work together to get off it.  She later wrote a murder mystery book that was also a big hit.

Long story short, Renner grew up with some pretty high-profile parents.  He and his brother were constantly fighting for their attention.  It's just what kids do when mommy and daddy are too busy for them.

Thankfully, Renner and his brother had their grandfather.  The guy practically raised them.  Even as a retired military man, the guy was as sweet as could be but he had this twinkle in his eye that hinted a bit of a conman.

When their grandfather died just months after Renner's sixteenth birthday, the moody teenager made a turn for the worst.  He started fights in school and had even been accused of robbery.  It was at that point that his parents stepped in and sent him to a reformation school.

He graduated a year later at the top of his class.

His parents, slightly impressed that their son actually pulled off such an endeavor allowed him to attend whatever university he wanted.  And Renner wanted to get into Heaven.

It probably wasn't the wisest of choices as Renner stood out compared to his angelic peers but he did enjoy his time at the school.  As of late though, Heaven and Hell combined into one school.  Although he's not a fan of the idea, he knows it'll be better for him to have that kind of balance.  A bad boy at a good school?  It just didn't make sense.  At least now he wouldn't completely stand out… right?

Separate Ways by Journey
Corner by Blue Stahli
Fact and Friction by the Nearly Dead

Renner legally changed his name when he turned 18.  His real name was Bernard Renner Casanova.  Seriously, who names their son Bernard after the mouse in Disney's the Rescuers.  Needless to say, throughout school, he went with Renner.  It wasn't too big of a change dropping his first name.  And there was no way he was keeping Bernard around so he changed his name to Renner James Casanova.  James was his grandfather's middle name so Renner decided to follow suit.

Acrophobia, the fear of heights
Sewers, especially walking over them
Katsaridaphobia, the fear of cockroaches
Elevators, especially the glass ones
Hello Kitty, 'nuff said