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Maia 'Nine' Thorne

Roleplay: "Darkfall [Private Roleplay]"

Player: Jomeimei

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Maia is a sarcastic girl with a smile on her lips at all times, she can be stuck up, and conceded but can also be a loyal friend. She tries hard to find the silver lining in all bad events and can be considered a prankster.

Appearance: Maia has jet black hair as sober as night. It has side sweep bangs that stop at the middle of her back. For the usual day, it is pulled back not a tight, neat French side braid that sweeps elegantly over her left shoulder and over her chest. Her eyes are electric blue, and seem to reflect light, giving off a faint glow. Her right one seems to be more sufficient doing this giving off an impression of a blue flame. She is medium height and slim, but swift for her height. Her long legs make up for her small frame and listless build, no curves yet! She has a slight tan to her skin, but the majority of her skin is cream colored. She is slightly freckled as well, giving her a pleasant look, hiding the shell of a mischievous personality.

Personality: Maia is a sarcastic girl with a smile on her lips at all times, she can be stuck up, and conceded but can also be a loyal friend. She tries hard to find the silver lining in all bad events and can be considered a prankster. She's nearly always enthusiastic, but doesn't really follow rules. She can't stay still for a long period of time, neither can her temper. Her temper is probably the most dangerous thing about her, it flares continuously. Sometimes for no reason at all! Its like a fuse, set it off once and KA-BOOM! She's an explosive. She can take a joke, just don't insult her. She will twist your words to work against you, guaranteed. She is swift and clever, always using her good sides to probe for her opponent weaker spots, touching sensitive places. She is a great artist and can find loopholes with a little thinking. If she has a smirk on her face, then never trust what she says

Equipment / Abilities
Perspicuity - The user can expand, or deactivate any type of shield, which will protect against any or all mental intrusion. This includes defense against psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, as well as illusions and deception. Mind readers only “hear” static, while mind controllers are incapable of manipulating those shielded Illusion/Paralysis- allows user to create illusion, or paralyze the victim for a quick moment. Is a mental image, a person might see what they fear most, or what the user want the victim to see. Most commonly used for a persuading use. Gravitational Manipulation - The user can reverse, alter, or turn off gravity in any given object, may make things "fall" toward another, make opponents float into the air, or make things 10-50 times heavier than they normally are. Can freeze objects in time and space, anything that involves gravity, they can alter. And of course, the traditional Shifting- the ability to shift, flash and absorb pain from people, and from his/her own body.

