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Leo Franz

Roleplay: "Perils of the Deep Hallow"

Player: Syrasya

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"I live to serve you, Ojou-Sama."

Name : Leonardo J. Franz
Age : 25 years old
Job : S-Rank Butler
Eye color : Red
Hair color : Black

Loyal - "If Ojou-sama wishes for it, I'll stay by your side as long as you will have me."

Old fashioned - "As a lady, don't you think that dress is a bit too revealing? Why don't you wear this gown instead, Ojou-Sama?" *Shoves to you frilly long gown with ribbons and laces that would cover every shred of skin on your body*

Equipment / Abilities
What can I do, you ask? Well, I'm not sure how to answer your question, Madam. What? Oh no, it's not that I'm not confident of my abilities. I would not be serving my master with anything less than perfect service. It's just, well... Why don't you just ask me what I couldn't do instead? That's a much shorter list.

He's S-Rated in everything he does (cooking, cleaning, martial arts) except singing.

Leo had been the butler of the R family since he was born. His family had been a butler for 6 generation—he's the 7th.

Roleplay Theme : Whisper In The Dark
Partner : Cows Go Moo
Location Icon Color : Dark Orange
Title : A Night To Remember
New Players : Open