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Rex Banner

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: Xavirne

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Step aside slaves, step aside."  A maroon haired two-tone eyed male burst his way into the house.  Door coming off his hinges in the process, he sent the maids and servants a dirty look before realizing where the saddened lass laid.

"You're all bloody terrible liars," he said while the cigarette in his mouth bobbed about.

Adjusting his shirt collar and making certain that his red vest looked flawless, he moved toward the stairs that led to her bedroom.  Of course, one of the newer servants dared to address him and demand he extinguish his smoke.

"Are you daft?  Do you dare insult me!  Psh, this imbecile needs to be briefed on who I am."  Pulling the poor fool into his chest, he let his tongue slip across the male's slender features.  "I'm Rex Banner, the undead prince of the underworld."

When the servant cocked a brow at him, the undead prince snapped.  Consuming the man, whole, he satisfied his craving for flesh once again.  He was the one that, single handedly, ate all the suitors that flocked to Sybil's house.  He was also the one that mowed down their desire to return and seek her out.  Rex was a very persuasive man who spoke with his tongue and stomach.

Licking the sides of his mouth so he was back to looking more civil, the undead male walked up the flight of stairs that would eventually lead him to her room.  Sniffing her out, the male opened the door and poked his head inside to find the woman still suffocating herself with a pillow.


Nuzzling the side of her face, maroon haired male just held her close.  His hands with the painted black fingernails encased her, keeping Sybil's hands from trembling uncontrollably.  Cig still in his mouth, he spoke again with his semi-muffled voice that was caused by the object located between his lips.

"Babe, I'm telling you, get over him.  Your crocodile tears should not be used to mourn his leaving.  If anything, you should be finding a pitch fork and hunting him down!"  Fiddling with the two rings around his index and middle finger, he released his grip on the woman.  Pulling away, Rex Banner wetted his lips and sucked his teeth while shaking his wrist to dislodge the five bracelets that got stuck on his toned arm.  "Sybil baby, please speak to me.  We've been friends since forever.  You can tell me anything.  Anything, you got that?"

Sitting criss-cross-applesauce on her bed, the male leaned into her, batting his right red eye and his silver left eye, both which are rimmed with thick black coal liner.

Like Nero, Rex was a devilishly handsome fellow.  He stood five-foot eleven-inches tall and was far less skeletal looking than Nero.  Rex had silky maroon hair that twisted out at the tips.  His brows were always slim and trim and his eyes, despite their differing colors, were always so warm and welcoming.  Why, Rex even had perfect teeth and the finest pair of lips ever.  His face was slender but masculine and his neck-chest area was downright dreamy, save for the scar that separated his head from his body.


Now that Nero gone, Rex had a chance to reclaim his place in the woman's life.  Would he make a move on her and woo her?  That's what the servants and anyone else would believe.  Rex, though, was uninterested in the woman in that manner.  In fact, he had no interest in her at all for he would rather screw the hell out of Nero.  But Rex disliked the male so that would never happen.  Either way, Rex wasn't into her for his body longed for a male counterpart.  However, labeling Rex a straight-up homosexual was false for Rex, on rare occasions, did enjoy woman -- mainly women with pixie cuts and flat chests.  He liked his woman to be more androgynous but he still liked woman on the side.


Equipment / Abilities

