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Knucklehead Ninja (Sensei)

Roleplay: "Xavi's character dump"

Player: Xavirne

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Need help w/character creation? Wanna learn my style of writing? Interested in being the comic relief? Hit me up!

Sup?  The name's Xavi and I've been roleplaying for a while now.  But, does that really matter?  I think not!  The number of years shouldn't dictate your level or skill.  If you've been sucking for ten years, you're still sucking.  After all, PERFECT practice makes perfect.  Practice doesn't make you perfect if you keep going about things wrong.  But wait?  What's this?  I'm accusing you of being wrong?  No, not at all.

Anyway, I'm a super intimidating, blue eyed, blonde haired chick.  I stand a whooping five foot five and a half inches tall and I've got an average weight (I'm a girl, I'm not about to post my actual weight).  I'm almost always wearing a smile and laugh at just about everything.  So yeah, suppa intimidating.  FIERCE.  >.>  Not really.  I'm just a loveably puppy.  :3 

Nutcase.  Goofball.  Silly.  Knucklehead.  Cheesy.  Those are the first few words that come to mind.  Definitely all me.  But, I'm also sarcastic, witty, and stubborn.  Can come across rude and bitchy, but I do my best to be friendly and sincere.  We all have our off days, though.  Just tell me when I'm outta line and I'll correct myself.  :]

Equipment / Abilities
ABILITIES.  What am I, a superhero?  Fawk yeah.  I am.  B|

Okay, okay.  Seriously, I'm into writing and have been writing for forever.  I've had a ton of teachers tell me that I picked the wrong majors.  Apparently, I should be studying creative writing or technical writing or just screw school and become an author.  O_o;  Idk about dropping outta school to write novels.  It is tempting, but I would also like to have a backup plan (which is writing... when I eventually decide to sit down and crank something out).

Oh!  I can also do stuff in PhotoShop.  I'm afraid teaching you from afar is too hard for me, but, if you want banners and such, definitely hit me up.  I love making them.  :3

>.>  Why you gotta pry into my past.


I am a ninja.  <.<  For realz.

Crunchy bits.  Yes.  I would definitely be crunchy should you decide to eat me.  O.O