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Wulfric Peterson Volkov

Roleplay: "Witch Hunters"

Player: Xavirne

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Einen Mann geboren, wuchs aber wie ein Wolf.

A cloud of smoke is blown toward your face and a rather handsome man appears from behind the wispy smoke.  The male you're peering at easy stands over 6-foot tall.  His slender build makes him look all the more lanky.  He has wild black hair and pretty blue eyes.  If you can get close enough to his face, you'll spy some freckles around his nose and cheek bones.  

A leather jacket covers up his torso and a white v-neck shirt peeks out from beneath it.  Jeans cover his legs and leather boots protect his feet.  Beneath his clothing, the male has a very noticeable scar across his back -- five of them to be exact.  That scar?  One would assume it was from a werewolf that he probably crossed paths with at some point during his life.

Overall, Peter looks like one of those guys that belongs in Grease the Musical.  He's got that bad boy swagger and that bad boy look.  And, as expected, he's got a raspy bad boy voice.

For the record, he's only interested in women.  He is also of Russian and German decent.

Stubborn.  Peter is quite the stubborn man.  Getting him to break tradition or go against his original plans is never an easy task.

Traditional.  Grounded by his roots, this man has a hard time deviating far from his past.  He knows that change is necessary but he does his best to prevent it.

Thrifty.  He can bleed three pennies from one.  He's very thrifty in this manner and, if he doesn't have to pay, he won't.  Calling him a "mooch" is very appropriate.

Argumentative.  It goes hand-in-hand with stubbornness.  If Peter doesn't like what you have to say, he will put his foot down and strike up a discussion.  Granted, most discussions that don't go his way do become arguments.

Cynical sense of humor.  "That's what she said," jokes don't work on this guy.  He likes colder and more ruthless jokes.  Office or work jokes are great too.

Coldness (a defending tactic).  He appears a bit standoffish.  It's not because he hates people; it's simply because he hates getting close to people in a short period of time.  If it takes you a year to earn entrance to his house, then consider yourself lucky.

Creative.  Peter has always had a soft spot for arts and music.  He actually carries a harmonica with him at all times, playing it whenever he gets bored.

Committed.  You will never find a man as loyal as this one.  When he commits to someone, he commits to life.  It makes him a rather hard worker too as he's always trying to prove his worth to his superiors.

Equipment / Abilities
equipment & weapons
Peter carries with him pretty basic stuff.  A make-shift med kit, some bobby pins, and rags.  He also totes around his harmonica and has a pair of belts tie on his backpack.  Strapped across his back is a chakram that can split in two and be used as a pair of twin blades.  Also slung across his back is a double bladed weapon that hints at multiple uses.  In a pouch on his leg are another set of rings that are used for up-close fighting.

abilities & skills
As a wolf hunter, Peter is naturally good at stalking his prey.  And, just like everyone else who plays in the woods, Peter is a great survivalist.  His unique specialities would be trapping, birdcalls, and knowing the flora in the area.  He is also a scat expert and made it his mission to have a photographic memory.  Peter is also quite the skilled musician.  He can sing and play the harmonica, obviously not at the same time.

senses & survival
Peter has a fantastic nose and extremely good eyesight (20-8, meaning he can see better than the average human).  As previously mentioned, Peter has the skills to survive in the woods and he has done so for most of his life.

limitations & weaknesses
Although he would never admit it, Peter cannot feel anything with his hands or legs.  This can be an issue as, well, if he falls into a sink hole, he won't know it.  He also smokes, which gives him issues.  He can't run for long periods of time either.

His life story is actually pretty simple.  He was raised a farm boy.  One day, a werewolf wandered onto their farm and Peter was forced to lure the wolf away from his family and home.  Upon slaying it, his village threw him a parade.  Ever since then, Peter was called upon to slay werewolves.

Pretty simple, right?
