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Captain James Alexander Ellis

Roleplay: "Skewed Clocks"

Player: CaptainSassafras

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War has just broke out in Europe. James Alexander Ellis, a British soldier in reserves, is one of the first to be called to duty. Ready to be sent to France, he enjoys his final days of normal life, before the end...

Height: 6'4 Slender and towering figure. He had dark reddish-brown hair that is always neat and tidy. A mustache - common for officers and soldiers of authority. He has grey-blue eyes that are kindly and light. He's got a kind, thin smile, an easy disposition. Sad tilted eyes, a thin pointed nose, prominent cheekbones, and a set of large ears. Always well dressed - whether in uniform or in day-to-day wear. 

He's all around a very kind, humble man with the virtues of courage, bravery, and loyalty under his belt. He's a horrible liar, and only does so when the situation requires him to. He cares about everyone else - but not so much himself. He's a good leader... but after too many stresses he can succumb to panic... 

Also, he's horrible with women. He is not smooth at all.

Equipment / Abilities
He has got the basic military equipment of his day. He's artistic - and can play piano (he's got musician hands). A good horsemen. Skilled with a sword. A, well... mediocre automobile driver. He is skilled with words and is all around very intelligent and well educated.

Born in Devon England, just outside of Dartmoor on February 9th, 1891. His father was an English professor, and the two rarely saw eye to eye. His mother was of Irish descent, and was a good and strong willed mother to James. James also has a brother named Phillip - or did, until his brother was 9 years old... Phillip died in an accident... which James takes the blame for. 

He did well in school, and after attending a regular school for his early years, his father shipped him off to military school in Somerset. Eventually he became a well trained soldier - a cavalry soldier. After finishing training, he was put in the reserves and thus moved to London until he would be needed further. Now, after the outbreak of the first world war, he has been called to the front. How will he react to the traumatic and ghastly horrors of cavalry and trench warfare?

He is fascinated by the arts - literature, early film, painting and so on. Has a knack with taming horses. Has a strong love of Scotch and of bread pudding.