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Camette "Cheshire" Vio

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Emmery

Rating: (any)   Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Modern, Fan-based  

Camette is nuts. Simple as that. A decendant of Furor, a embodiment of Insanity in a four way war

My name is:: Camette "Cheshire" Vio
I don't care to count the years:: Fifteen
I am a:: Male
I am, oh let's say five foot six. I have really soft, velvety onyx hair, it hangs in my eyes quite often, and frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love how I can hide my ember eyes behind that inky curtain. All. The. Time. I have claws, yes, and ears, yes, but I do not have whiskers. Also, if you dare call me Kitty... UGH! I will hurt you, don't worry.

They say I'm eccentric, but when your aunt Sally comes over and you call her nuts, doesn't your mother shout, "Your aunt Sally is not crazy. She's just a tad eccentric." So they're trying to sugar-coat it, like I'm a damaged item. It's annoying, to say the least. I'm bloody off my rocker. I'm cracked, senseless. INSANE. So my actions and thought processes may be a little strange. I also have small trust issues, but that's small. You could call it paranoia, too, if you wanted.

Equipment / Abilities
I have the ability to disintegrate the atomic bonds in my body and then rearrange them in different location. Think of the Cheshire Cat, and how he 'vaporizes'. I wear too baggy clothes over my thin figure, and I wear gloves.

My wonderland parent is the Cheshire Cat, and I am a descendant of Furor, the embodiment of insanity. 

There had been a schism years and years ago, with three main groups. The Royalty, The Insane, and The Sane. Camette's great grand-father was in that war, the leader of the Insane, and called himself Furor. Furor was the Latin word for madness. Who's to say he was wrong? He only wanted what he thought was best for Wonderland. Although, perhaps driving people to madness wasn't the best way of doing so. The Sane leader, Intelligente, or Ligente for short, was Alice's great-grandmother, who so strongly disapproved of The Insane leader's ideals that she was the one to strike first. The Royalty, composed of the Red Queen's kingdom and the White Queen's kingdom, called itself collectively "Reginae", and was both the peacekeeper and the one waiting on the sidelines. It hoped that Ligente and Furor would destroy each other.

It turned out that in the end, the Red Queen decided the war was almost over, and killed the White Queen in order to keep the spoils to herself. With the lone Regina's power cut in half, Ligente infiltrated the castle, and killed her; behind the scenes, Furor was aiming an arrow at her head. She noticed, drew her sword, and stabbed him before he could shoot. Dying, his strength ebbed away, and his grip on the arrow released. Ligente and Furor both died, but they had heirs to their bloody thrones. The Queens did not, and therefore their bloodline was lost.

Is that a mirror? It is! That's horrible! I'm terrified of mirrors. I feel like people are always watching me when I see myself in the mirror. Strange, I know.
I'm bisexual. Figure it out yourself. That being said, I don't like anyone currently.