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Rynn Arokit/ Tigereyes

Roleplay: "The WTF Multiverse"

Player: desuHAX0R

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Rynn is a passionate, personable woman who is quite friendly, but doesn't take kindly to being controlled. She was an experiment but due to her fiery spirit she escaped and now does whatever she wants.

Rynn has quite feline features- high cheekbones, an angular but feminine jawline. Her hair is crimson and hangs in long curls around her face and shoulders. She has bright emerald green eyes. Rynn is around 5'7" with a slim muscular build. She is visibly strong but not masculine. She is generally found with a smirk across her lips.

Rynn enjoys laughing, and finds most things to be amusing. She is also flirtatious when either she wants something or she is interested in somebody. Rynn is very friendly, and tends to react in a positive manner to others. But don't be fooled by her lighthearted demeanor, she possesses a great mental strength in tough situations. Her strength of personality can only be truly seen when she is forced into something she is vehemently against. Rynn hates injustice, and will not put up with it (for example if we were to go to the most basic and horrifying of roleplays- S&M- Rynn would be the slave that mouths off constantly and simply refuses to do what a master would tell her to do.) She cannot and will not be controlled, but is not needlessly obstinate. Rynn also has a thirst for adventure, and a great love of questing and doing something with a purpose. She's not the girl that waits in the village while her love is off fighting a war- she'd follow him whether he liked it or not and win that war her way. Rynn cares deeply about those that are important to her.

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment: Rynn is a fan of sword fighting, and generally always has two short swords on her (they are about dagger sized and normally kept in her books). As far as equipment goes, that's about all she carries weapons wise, everything else is just clothing and such.

Abilities: Rynn has been given several tendencies of the tiger here at Haven. She has very very sharp canines now, and her eyes are slitted like a cats. She can run faster, jump higher, and fight better than anyone that is simply a human. Rynn also has the useful ability to turn into a white tiger, though she does not know about that just yet.


Rynn was raised by a fairly normal family who allowed her to take fighting classes as she desired and also found someone to teach her sword fighting. Rynn very much enjoyed this and so she is pursued it as a hobby for many years. As a great side effect, the woman knows how to defend herself. After she became of age to do her own thing, Rynn found herself a job as a singer. She never made it as a famous singer, and never really wanted too. It's enough to pay the bills, and thats all that really matters. She had a fondness for clubs and one fateful night found herself following a handsome stranger home to for a night of play, she drank some wine at his home and then woke up at Haven.

After whatever events will occur to Rynn at haven, she escaped and went back into the world. Much to her glee, Haven granted her a wonderful gift- the abilities to be something greater than just a human. And thus, Rynn now fully enjoys her powers as she wreaks whatever havocs strike her fancy.
